(08-22-2021, 05:56 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: Well, if I had more time to invest in this I would. But, untimately, this must discerned I feel within the individual. I know our language fails us every time, right? But you need to view the true meaning of tribes and clans. And considering whether there is the element of warring factions within these terms and also within society.
The meaning of words has been defaced to use language against us.
As example you maybe have noticed that i don't like to use the word 'family', because the source is the word familia.
familia f (genitive familiae); first declension
1. a household, all persons subject to the control of one man (whether relations, freedmen or slaves)
2. the slaves of a household, servants
3. a group of slaves stationed in one place; a brigade, gang (used for some purpose)
So this is part of the unintential slavery. Everyone who uses this word 'family' is a self designated slave.
The true meaning of tribes and clans is the historical correct word describing a certain group of individuals / people.
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tribe Wrote:(anthropology) A society larger than a band but smaller than a state.
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Clan Wrote:Synonyms: Dynastie, Sippe =>
From Middle High German sippe, from Old High German sibba, sippa, from Proto-West Germanic *sibbju. Cognate with English sib. =>
sib: Having kinship or relationship; related by same-bloodedness; having affinity; being akin; kindred.
That's all - not more.