08-22-2021, 01:30 PM
It might help to first zoom out and view the larger picture. You begin as a form of consciousness in first density, experiencing self in very general, loosely aggregated terms. You remain, you flow, you are heated, cooled, etc. This level of consciousness becomes more articulated and you then move into a successive phase in second density where you grow and your awareness developes and you acquire a more personal sense of self.
Later you move to a phase where that now-defined self explores the choice of which path of growth it will follow, what flavour of power it will align with: that which intensifies and reifies self, or that which gives self to the larger "self" of all. In this phase, consciousness is slowly developed through incarnations in space/time and the studying of the lessons of these incarnations in time/space. As student improves in skill, it can more skillfully choose the programming of each incarnation so that further lessons can be more deliberately explored.
From there, one moves on through subsequent levels of consciousness where more specialised lessons are learned, and yet one may continue to visit third density so that with can have another opportunity to test and deepen one's learning. In the military, one learns how to disassemble and reassemble one's rifle while looking at it, and then while blindfolded. Here in third density we're recapitulating our lessons blindfolded so as to more deeply internalise their resonance.