08-19-2021, 05:03 PM
(08-19-2021, 01:50 PM)tadeus Wrote:IMO, tribalism is not a desired outcome. Individualism is the desired outcome and creating union between individuals. When we speak about tribes we are not speaking about a collective as that is something else entirely.(08-19-2021, 07:42 AM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: "But we have a time now with a increasing split into groups.
People and states are more isolated against each other and the fear to do something wrong is increasing."
Well, nothing would be easier to control than to split people into two camps, dividing one against the other. This is what could be seen happening in the world today. The lower manifestation of togetherness called tribalism. The higher manifestation would be unity that recognizes differences but accepts the difference and is always trying to bring the unbalanced back into balance. Truthfully, unity does not exist without two opposing sides. The opposition is quite natural and so is the balance. What is not natural is to form camps and keep people, ideas and so forth stationed on one side or the other. This goes against universal principles and therefore it goes against the progress of the natural man to the spiritual man.
Hopefully this splitting will be a catalyst for the insight that we are all one and this splitting is only an enactment.
By all means it will empower tribalism and the cohesion of clan / family.
But first we must overcome the zenith of fear that will come with the coming reduction of the people ...