(08-18-2021, 08:57 PM)flofrog Wrote: Thank you so much tadeus.
Quote:Stay centered within the heart, I see the energy here, even as there is such strong debate, and because the debate is so strong, an indication how desired indeed is the internal desire to find common ground in the end.
Thank you flofrog.
This informations and facts are really painful to understand, but with this knowledge the fiction cannot exist any more.
The people are compelled to think about what they are and why they are here.
This will lead them back to their life plan.
We have been massively distracted and distorted in the last hundreds of years to avoid this transformation into the 4th density of love.
To suppress to realize that we are all one.
To play off all the different folks / races on this planet against each other, to avoid that they can profit from their different views and attributes.
To administrate all the beings effective in different countries and states like cows in different meadows.
To disturb the natural evolution and transformation of the mind.