Today i read this new Transcript, only 2 month old, and i am estonished that Q'uo is talking about the Matrix.
June 23, 2021, Intermediate Channeling Circle
This is directly relating to the The Matrix Trilogy.
Understanding The Matrix Trilogy
Later on Q'uo speaks about the same things again, with similar thoughts i did have in the last time.
Specially this is in resonance with my observations and feelings:
June 23, 2021, Intermediate Channeling Circle
Quote:Q’uo: We are those of Q'uo, and we appreciate this query for it offers us a substantially wide field to speak to the many tangled distortions and misunderstandings which are so prevalent, indeed, woven into the fabric of your society and your individual identities. To examine this question, which ultimately is the work of the individual upon their path, is to make visible some of the walls of what in your popular culture is known as the matrix. This is not the matrix of the archetypal mind, but that which is connected to your movie and the metaphors therein. Indeed, your peoples, in variously mixed desires, often at the center of which is the desire to control, do indeed create these impositional structures which force or lock your fellow other selves into desired or limited behavior. This can be seen at various levels of your society, from schoolrooms to governments to workplaces. There is great value in collective agreements, boundaries, rules, and codes of conduct, as it were. But there is often a tendency toward the limitations of the full exploration of selfhood, the full manifestation of the uniqueness of selfhood, and the full exploration of the relationship between self-and-other and self-and-society.
One potential lens through which to examine this question is to look at the spectrum between freedom to be and to express and strictures which seek to limit that freedom. This is not necessarily a recipe for the seeking of that which is called anarchy. For it is quite possible in this ideal of freedom to enact and justify that which is of harm to self or other self or to harmony or to group cohesion or to the collective purpose.
And how to process that which seems opposed to such purpose or well-being or that which, however unintentional it may be, creates suffering for others is part of the work of third density. But the more open the structure can be, which can accommodate these wayward energies, even if the conclusion is the necessity for the boundary, the more that the group or society moves away from this unintentional slavery.
The "unintentional" adjective speaks to the reality or understanding that many within your society would see these restrictions as being of a positive nature. And indeed, in a world of chaos, as it may seem to the self without such order, this would seem to be an helpful way to sequence and structure and synthesize society into a cooperative whole. And while it can create levels of productivity and has yielded both positive and negative fruit, as all catalyst does, we would suggest that, relative to the long road of the ground of freedom, it is akin to the shortcut which the self seeks to impose upon the self through mechanisms of control of that which is not desired.
This is directly relating to the The Matrix Trilogy.
Understanding The Matrix Trilogy
Later on Q'uo speaks about the same things again, with similar thoughts i did have in the last time.
Quote:Q’uo: I am Q'uo, and I am aware of the query my brother. Indeed, from our perspective, we witness upon your planet a collective catalyst experienced with great vividness in recent, what you call, times. And in our perception, we find that this catalyst, correlating to the query you have offered is indeed somewhat designed to test these dynamics and apply a certain type of pressure to each individual and to the global collective as you experience it. There is a difficulty in addressing such a query in a clear sense due to the great variety of perceptions as they relate to the specific collective catalyst that you all have experienced. And so, we must speak, both to the effects of such a varied collective perception, as well as to the more general dynamic expressed within your query.
By nature, the third density is such as a dark room in which you, the individual seeker, are attempting to assess the layout of this room and, in a sense, build a life within this dark room, utilizing only the fickle flame of a small candle, in which only certain aspects of this room are available to your perception at any given time.
If we extrapolate this analogy into the dynamic expressed within your query, you are within a very large and very dark room with many other people, each with their own sources of light, their own flickering flames, with which they use to determine the layout of this room and also attempt in such darkness to find some cohesion between the self and the collective of other selves. The difficulty presented by this is that each individual may choose quite freely how their candle may be used, where they may point this light, whether or not they may combine their light with others. And because of this very scattered dynamic, some individuals may, through piecing together the incomplete glimpses of this dark room, a certain picture that is completely at odds with the picture collected by yet another seeker. And when these two seekers meet and share their findings, the stark difference between what they have discovered can be alarming or disconcerting, and, for many, creates a need experienced by the self to defend that which they have seen and collected for themselves, for it is upon this basis that they have built their entire relationship with this room - that being their life experience within the third density.
And so, these two individuals, which in reality upon your planet are billions of individuals, may both have a desire to practice some form of responsibility towards the collective and have a willingness to sacrifice some of their own individual desires or needs or beliefs in order to participate in a harmonious collective. Yet, when certain worldviews are so at odds, it is possible that, though multiple individuals share the same willingness to come together and meet upon shared ground, the shared ground cannot be found. And their willingness cannot connect with those around them.
We encourage each individual seeker to consider this dynamic deeply, for we find that when this difficulty of connecting rears its head, even some of the most intent seekers find themselves less willing to offer their fellow other selves the benefit of the doubt and choose to ascribe all manner of ill-intent or ignorance or faulty perception, and through such projection, further divide their ability to relate to other selves and other selves' ability to relate to the self.
This is a dynamic that we find has been exacerbated upon your planet in recent years. And we offer to those considering this dynamic our encouragement and a touch of light by indicating that this is, indeed, a part of a process in which there are now energies available to you as a collective upon your planetary sphere that strengthen your ability to connect with others and to come together as a unified peoples. Yet the availability of this energy, when presented to a collective attempting to sort through the unconscious distortions that have gripped your societies so strongly throughout millennia, that these dynamics must be accentuated so that then they may be seen with clarity.
We suggest that the strongest and most effective approach when considering this is to remain centered within the heart as you consider other selves with seemingly offensive or even dangerous views of reality and, when possible, offer other selves the benefit of the doubt and recognize that, though they may seem stubborn, there is a shared willingness to release some level of personal attachment to a view of reality and come together. And if this is fostered and acknowledged and continuously touched upon in such seeking, it may grow and blossom as a flower in a garden that is given due attention and water.
To speak briefly upon the more general dynamic posed within this query, we may point out that the third density is intentionally designed to put the individual into a relationship with the large collective—not simply the smaller tribe of family or what this instrument is familiar with as the “monkey bubble,” [2] that which is an animalistic connection to the tribe around one—but to a great variety of entities that one may never interact with in the real life.
But one is aware that there are a multitude of such individuals scattered across the planet, and that, though they exist in what seems to be an insurmountable distance, there is still a direct connection through the collective unconscious, and within this connection is the potential for shared love despite this lack of closeness or familiarity. The individual is placed in this position within third density to explore the types of questions that this query poses and push the individual to both allow the collective to influence it and for it to exert an influence upon the collective.
This is a process of stages, as we witness among those individuals who walk the path of spiritual evolution, whereby entities may fluctuate in some manner between a desire to strongly establish their individual rights to exist and to be as they believe to be right, against the collective, then fluctuating towards the view of a strong responsibility to serve the collective and to be a part of a larger humanity than is contained within the individual self.
Specially this is in resonance with my observations and feelings:
Quote:Gary: That was illuminating. Thank you, Q'uo. I've got another spontaneous one. In a similar vein, Ra described that the impact of the increasing fourth-density light was such that, for some entities, instead of moving upward into greater collective and green-ray considerations, they experienced something of a regression or reversion, in my paraphrase. That is, they reverted to considerations of self and the orange ray. Ra added that there are many upon our plane in this state at that time. [3]
Can you speak to how that particular input affects the collective soup at this time?
Q’uo: I am Q'uo, and I am aware of the query, my brother. We appreciate the scope of this question as it relates to your present condition, for we find that, in the time since those of Ra offered this perspective, the dynamic at play has increased upon your planet, and even more fourth-density light is becoming available. And thus the condition described by those of Ra increases, both in the positive or beneficial aspects or in the seemingly difficult aspects of individuals reverting to more primal stages of development and perception.
To speak to the effects of this dynamic upon the so-called collective soup of your planetary sphere, we point to what seems to be, to this instrument and to many others, a growing polarization among the collective need to organize, also called the political realm of your society, as well as the ever-present streak among your peoples of fear about the state of your political world or your world in general.
The fear and polarization is not a new dynamic, for we find that it has been present ever since the first forms of government or collective society have existed upon your planet. Yet, as your planet is now more connected and varied in government and society with the addition of this fourth-density energy, we find that it is indeed stronger than ever in the history of your planet. And yet, as we spoke to within the previous query, this creates a certain accentuation so that your peoples, as a collective, may see more clearly that this reversion, which results in greater fear and greater polarization among social perspectives, is an aspect of your society that needs addressed. Though there are many differences in perspective among the many various factions, we find that the awareness of the need and desire to build common ground is also stronger than ever upon your planet.
And so, through this greater impact of fourth-density energy that may create a reversion among individuals and groups to more basic expressions in the lower chakras, the fourth-density energy also offers its light in terms of a shared awareness of what is happening. And through this reversion, as the individual's worldview shrinks and focuses more towards the individual or towards the close tribe, this focus offers its own catalyst that, if inevitably utilized by the individual, the fourth-density nature of this reversion may become clear, more so than in your planet's history. And through such a reversion, the individual may experience somewhat of a death and rebirth, as the catalyst generated by this reversion becomes increasingly harsh and chips away at the individual that experiences the reversion.
The strength of this energy that generates this dynamic is correlated also to the potential for transformation. And thus, you may see that this dynamic described by those of Ra may seem, in a sense, undesirable, it is, in fact, a great opportunity; and though a moment like your present may seem to generate despair, it will ultimately, we believe, result in unprecedented and unexpected transformation of collective will and collective purpose shaped upon the foundation of the love and understanding innate within these fourth-density energies that bombard your planet at this time.
You may, as seekers, open yourselves to this energy and allow it to potentiate your actions and find guidance within it, for this energy or light, as it is filtered through your Logos and your planet, weaves together the intelligences of those beings and your collective, and generates a potential social memory complex to form that you may aid by allowing yourself to place your faith in this process and in this loving and intelligent light that is available at this time.