I believe the misunderstanding comes from the fact that word "time" has different meanings based on context. Consciousness meaning and creation meaning.
Firstly time is a method through which consciousness at any level reports itself to its beingness. "I am" implies time. This is the eternal present which is infinite and infinitesimal, alpha and omega. A method means a concept of the consciousness and not a property of it.
Secondly time is a method through which consciousness reports itself to past present moments and future present moments. Thinking mind records memories and estimates futures using this method. Still a concept and not a property of consciousness.
Thirdly it is the creation time which is not a method but a property of creation. Creation is like a "server" in a network of "servers" and its time is the Run Time. Each octave has its own server its own Run Time. A server administrator can go to any location in any application on that server and see the status of that location. The server administrator does not operate at Run Time, he operates at Build time like any Software developer. Any location status on the server has a time stamp (associated with the run time) and a certain unique combination of bits. Now a user of the server (using the server at run time) might have passed through that location in the past, might pass through it in the future, or might never pass through that location. It all depend on the free will of that user. Never the less that location exists and the server administrator can see it at will at build time regardless of the Run time.
This is the catch with the creation. It has timeline (run time) like a computer game in which we are confined and forced to make choices in order to progress through creation levels. But we, the highers selves, are not confined to the run time. We the higher selves are administrators of our destinies and can use build time to investigate alternative run timelines.
This is why at the beginning of creation the higher self is still administrator of destiny still in mid sixth density but its experience at that time is all possibilities and no certainties because the user at run time have not played anything yet.
Firstly time is a method through which consciousness at any level reports itself to its beingness. "I am" implies time. This is the eternal present which is infinite and infinitesimal, alpha and omega. A method means a concept of the consciousness and not a property of it.
Secondly time is a method through which consciousness reports itself to past present moments and future present moments. Thinking mind records memories and estimates futures using this method. Still a concept and not a property of consciousness.
Thirdly it is the creation time which is not a method but a property of creation. Creation is like a "server" in a network of "servers" and its time is the Run Time. Each octave has its own server its own Run Time. A server administrator can go to any location in any application on that server and see the status of that location. The server administrator does not operate at Run Time, he operates at Build time like any Software developer. Any location status on the server has a time stamp (associated with the run time) and a certain unique combination of bits. Now a user of the server (using the server at run time) might have passed through that location in the past, might pass through it in the future, or might never pass through that location. It all depend on the free will of that user. Never the less that location exists and the server administrator can see it at will at build time regardless of the Run time.
This is the catch with the creation. It has timeline (run time) like a computer game in which we are confined and forced to make choices in order to progress through creation levels. But we, the highers selves, are not confined to the run time. We the higher selves are administrators of our destinies and can use build time to investigate alternative run timelines.
This is why at the beginning of creation the higher self is still administrator of destiny still in mid sixth density but its experience at that time is all possibilities and no certainties because the user at run time have not played anything yet.