(07-21-2021, 07:44 PM)Steppingfeet Wrote: Greetings Foresight. Interesting username, it sounds like your inner guidance has granted you the gift of foresight from an early age. I'm sure that it has been challenging to navigate your surroundings with deeper insight that may not have been shared by your close companions.
I cannot recall if I had the conscious sense of feeling like a stranger when I was young. I did not awaken to the spiritual journey and the deeper nature of self until I was 18. So far as I know, my childhood was traversed with a feeling like I belonged.
However, upon experiencing the death of that identity and the rebirth of the spiritually oriented self, I have indeed felt like a stranger, often painfully so. That began to abate more in my late 30s, but in many social situations, I often have a lingering sense of feeling like an outsider. Seeing all as the Creator is helpful.
I always love hearing when in the midst of the wilderness of this world, people find a focus on unconditional love. Thanks for sharing a bit of yourself, Foresight, and welcome to Bring4th. : )
In fact, the Turkish meaning of this username is "feraset", and the English meaning is "foresight". The meaning of this word has many meanings as you mentioned.
I saw this word in a dream when I was 20 years old. The situation I mentioned in the first title was as follows;
1) All of a sudden I started hearing the sound of my chakras in my ears.
2) I hear it as a frequency.
3) For example, like a refined version of that sound when searching for channels on old radios.
4) This voice sometimes gets louder, wider, faster, slower.
5) this sound does not bother me.
6) my kundalini energy is activated
7) I feel energetic and fit. It's like my energy is constantly being renewed.
I feel energy in my back and neck, this happens from time to time.
I've been talking and chatting with my inner voice since childhood.
At certain times in my life, I felt alien and mismatched. Striving for career, money, and wealth in life seemed pointless to me.
It still feels pointless, but I see it as a tool to live in this life.
Especially in high school years, the feeling of being in a foreign place was spent with introversion and observing the environment.
Of course, at that time I was living with a pessimistic inner world.
I didn't have many friends, I felt like a student from a different country.
But my inner voice wanted me not to be pessimistic.
He was always saying things that motivate me,
I may even have entered into an argument with my inner voice at that time.
I felt as if I was speaking to my current level of consciousness and the feeling of loneliness.
Think about it this way, how can a person feel comfortable and speak freely in a lonely and unfamiliar environment?
As I got older, it became more frequent for me to observe the environment and people.
I began to question the meaning of life. It seemed pointless for people to spend hours of their day making money to live their lives.
Why did I come to this world, what was my purpose, what was my duty?
At that time, I made a castle of my own with the effect of 3 dimensions. And I was looking at life from that castle.
Even when I told people with negative thoughts that their thoughts were wrong, I was ignored because I was young and I got harsh answers.
When I repeated this, I was exposed to violence.
For a long time, I tried to distract people from negative thoughts. People still continued to have negative thoughts and feelings.
I wondered why they were so obsessed with these feelings and thoughts.
I entered negative thought frequencies. It was not possible to get rid of these feelings and thoughts with outside intervention.
But people can leave of their own accord.
I wondered why they weren't dating in a weird way.
Maybe it's because they think there's nothing better than this.
I spent several years in the material world of the 3rd dimension.
In terms of money, I mean money.
Maybe to get to know those people better, but I have observed that what is given as happiness in the material world creates addiction and unhappiness.
During these stages, my inner voice was in constant communication and beckoned me to return to the spiritual world.
Maybe being in the 50% material and 50% spiritual realm would allow me to be in balance.
But I did not do that, I spent time in the material world.
I didn't answer much then. I was confused and stuck in the middle. People believed that every new item they bought with their money would bring them happiness.
But this kind of experience brought nothing but unhappiness and addiction.
In my 30s, I started to isolate myself a little more from the 3D and material world.
The monetary actions that people take to experience the feeling of happiness seemed strange to me.
Towards the end of my 30s, I realized an initiative that I loved to do. I have both served people and created a solution to the monetary problem in this life.
Everything was fine, but a few people around me took action as if sabotaging this attempt.
It gave me the option for my life. It was either my job or the life they chose for me.
I was left alone.
I was left without love.
I've been exposed to negative energies
It was like walking alone in a deserted desert.
As a result, I closed my venture. I started living the life they chose for me.
When these events started, I was surprised why people were so mean and hurtful in the face of such a beautiful thing.
I couldn't understand.
But I waited and waited for everything to be handled with love.
I got the good news of my waiting.
In fact, this negative state created an explosion effect on my spiritual awakening.
In my late 30s, my spiritual awakening accelerated.
I can hear and see visions in other dimensions
I can see and hear what is being said about me in a different dimension.
I can see different images from different lives.
There was an increase in love for nature and animals.
I can see the energy bodies of plants.
For example, I know that a big tree is connected to the sky and other trees on earth with a green energy.
When I focused on a spider on the ceiling of my house, I had a chance to see its aura.
while awake, I have had visions of being a Traveler or volunteer.
In these visions, the image was clear in some places and blurry in others.
But I could hear it clearly.
There are many things that I cannot explain yet.
I miss where I belong.