I am not sure how an absolute consciousness time would render free will impossible. In fact I believe quite the opposite the fact that the everlasting present moment extends to Creator level guarantees the free will. True infinite and Infinitesimal are two sides of the same coin. Present moment is infinitesimal and this makes it infinite. The fact that past and future are manifestations of our consciousness (which I consider equivalent to recording or forecasting events) does not make present moment only a manifestation of consciousness. Complex Totality is our consciousness seen from a vantage point far from Creation and close to Creator. Present moment is a tool or concept of our consciousness required to make possible the manifestation of past and future.
I can make an analogy with watching live sports. The live transmission is the present moment unique real and absolute for our timeline. But we can always go back and watch again a certain moment of the game. For our observing mind the replay and the live action are perceived the same way (a cat does not make a distinction between the replay and the live action) but for our thinking mind we know that even though the life transmission and the replay look the same, and we can watch them in parallel using picture in picture, the live transmission is the only real present (where the outcome can still be changed for our timeline) while the replay is the past present (which means the outcome is set in stone).
If we extrapolate this concept to Creator level, the complex totality can offer to our consciousness a form of parallel replay of all possible futures timelines which will look identical with present moment but will not be present moments yet (the outcome of each can be seen and all of them are possible until they become present and one is chosen). From all the possible paths the consciousness will only pick one using the free will when that future present will become absolute present. Once that future moment come to pass the future paths from complex totality memory will be replaced by the path we have chosen.
Bottom line in a new incarnation we can never go back to a past decision in an old incarnation and change out path. We can however make future decisions in future incarnations which might take us towards the path we missed in our previous incarnation. This doesn't mean that, if we had our incarnation, and bad decision, during WWII, we will have a future incarnation during the same WWII in order to change our path. Very likely we need to settle for another war in which we will have another chance to behave better. Once a moment becomes past will never be future or present again while the octave is not completed. Not sure what happens though after the octave ends. Maybe the game can restart with the same rules (same octave) or maybe a new game can start with new rules (new octave). I believe that jumping back in time inside an octave is a paradox Creator does not and cannot allow.
I can make an analogy with watching live sports. The live transmission is the present moment unique real and absolute for our timeline. But we can always go back and watch again a certain moment of the game. For our observing mind the replay and the live action are perceived the same way (a cat does not make a distinction between the replay and the live action) but for our thinking mind we know that even though the life transmission and the replay look the same, and we can watch them in parallel using picture in picture, the live transmission is the only real present (where the outcome can still be changed for our timeline) while the replay is the past present (which means the outcome is set in stone).
If we extrapolate this concept to Creator level, the complex totality can offer to our consciousness a form of parallel replay of all possible futures timelines which will look identical with present moment but will not be present moments yet (the outcome of each can be seen and all of them are possible until they become present and one is chosen). From all the possible paths the consciousness will only pick one using the free will when that future present will become absolute present. Once that future moment come to pass the future paths from complex totality memory will be replaced by the path we have chosen.
Bottom line in a new incarnation we can never go back to a past decision in an old incarnation and change out path. We can however make future decisions in future incarnations which might take us towards the path we missed in our previous incarnation. This doesn't mean that, if we had our incarnation, and bad decision, during WWII, we will have a future incarnation during the same WWII in order to change our path. Very likely we need to settle for another war in which we will have another chance to behave better. Once a moment becomes past will never be future or present again while the octave is not completed. Not sure what happens though after the octave ends. Maybe the game can restart with the same rules (same octave) or maybe a new game can start with new rules (new octave). I believe that jumping back in time inside an octave is a paradox Creator does not and cannot allow.