(07-12-2021, 04:43 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: Spirituality in life should be simple. Or, there is not a dividing line between Physicality and Spiritualism. A life should be lived with the awareness that the "Spiritual Nature" should take the priority position. We cannot go through life and say, at this moment I will be my "Physical Self", and the next moment, my "Spiritual Self". It does not work like that. If we are conscious in our every action, then we must remain in a Spiritual State. Spirituality is not a switch that you can turn on, or turn off. You are either Spiritual, (or you are not). It is true, we cannot be Spiritual all the time, and even if we can't there must be the awareness remaining in the background.
I understand what you want to say and agree.
Yes - spirituality should be simply part of the life.
But i have wirtten this thread because much is done to reach exactly the split i have described.
Our life has been alienated from spirituality.
So this alienation and the way it has been installed must be understand to come to an integration of spirituality into live.
It is not simply done by being spiritual in some moments and the rest of the live keeps ongoing as usual.
You must be able to break through the artificial limitations that suppress our spirituality.