(07-10-2021, 11:13 AM)Steppingfeet Wrote: I don't see that trauma is strictly necessary in the third-density environment. It, like disease, is an outgrowth of widespread and chronic inefficient use of catalyst.
When the entities are not doing their homework, not using their catalyst, then the catalyst grows louder, you could say. Trauma, disease, or crisis may result.
Those three aspects of experience - trauma, disease, and crisis - can be pre-incarnationally programmed as teaching tools, of course. But I think that they are also mechanisms to promote what you indicate above: the pushing people out of their personal and collective Sinkhole of Indifference.
That's right but I would say we must differ between your own preincarnatic catalyst and the catalyst that is given to a social memory complex / mass of individuals.
Q'uo is only talking indirect about this topic i accidentally read yesterday :
Saturday Meditation May 20, 2017
Quote:Gary: Q’uo, not having the Confederation’s viewpoint or framework of spirituality, many in this world might feel despair, feeling that humanity has not a hopeful but a tragic outcome ahead of itself. How many in this world are in such despair, and how can despair be transformed to a hopeful orientation of the soul?
Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We would suggest that the counting of souls of one nature or another at this time might be considered somewhat premature. However, we might suggest that there is a great number of souls upon your planet which find themselves facing a difficult situation in regards to being able to consciously perceive their spiritual journeys. They are what you might call those who are yet unawakened to the reality of possibilities within the third density, and continue to move in the routines and rhythms of the illusion which provide the attractions of worldly things, the gaining of money, of position, of power, and so forth. Oftentimes, after such gains are made, entities with a sufficient amount of each of these qualities find that there is yet lacking the satisfaction from such possession. This dissatisfaction, or angst, may also be experienced by those who seemingly have failed to gain enough of each money, or position, or power, or those other worldly affectations that are offered daily in your advertising and business worlds.
Thus, it is that the possibility of transforming the doubt, the sadness, the fear of a life living without purpose, is the hoped-for motivation for looking upon the daily round of activities as being more than what it has been seemed to be—that which is the goal, that which is the end of the efforts and energy expenditures of each entity.
There is, within each soul’s incarnational pattern, those pre-incarnative lessons that each has fervently hoped would be able to be learned within the incarnational pattern. The subconscious mind of each has been programmed by the soul to look with a certain bias upon catalyst that comes in the notice of the seeker, so that at some point the heart chakra might be opened enough to experience a sense of loving those about one, of loving the self, of loving the universe about one. This type of transformation is possible when one is able to be alert and aware of the pre-incarnative lessons so that when catalyst comes one’s way, it can be seen in a certain fashion, so that no two entities would look at the same catalyst in the same way, since all are unique, and all have programmed certain lessons that are indeed unique, though they may include the lesson of love in some facet or fashion for each entity.
Thus, it is our hope that as the fourth-density vibrations continue to engulf the planet, that those entities who have not yet been able to find a conscious realization of their purpose in this life pattern might be able to open the door to their own hearts, so that there is the ability to experience the love therein, and to share it with those about one.
So this mass of catalyst hopefully has the task to make the transformation possible, even it is coming as trauma.