07-06-2021, 09:12 PM
I think I just need to accept this portion of myself. I think it's only the ego that judges and makes misery out of the situation. In accepting it, the issue becomes inconsequential- just another part of the One- or at least then only love can be reaped from it. That doesn't mean I just let it run wild either, though. But in applying loving guidance upon the pattern without judgement, doing the best I can with love in each moment and then letting it go, I know that all will be well. I just gotta watch to make sure ego doesn't rise up again and wreak havoc on things with guilt, judgement and shame which only perpetuates the problem, or rather gets me off course from the highest good that's possible. In the end, it's all good. It's all love/light and I am one with that as all there is.