06-30-2021, 08:05 AM
(06-29-2021, 05:33 PM)rva_jeremy Wrote: We covered this topic on today's podcast episode, so the question you pose is fresh in my mind. Let me try to be less wordy than I'm known to be.
At the end of the day we cannot help but serve by our very being, and so to put a fine point on it, you're asking how we decide to serve, how we enlist our conscious mind in this task. And one rule of thumb the Confederation gives us is that service must be requested to be of the service-to-others side of energetic expression. As those of Q'uo say, this heuristic tool immediately narrows down the set of decisions you are on the hook to make.
However, very few on this planet are self-aware and specific enough about what it is that they actually, truly desire for their growth and evolution. They are, like us, confused. So we must bring our intuition and humility into play by working on our catalyst and issues and thereby clearing a channel between infinite spirit and finite manifest reality. We must connect with resources greater than what we have as a third density individual; our personal love and individual judgement will never be sufficient. The more we work through our distortions, fears, worries, hangups, etc., the less others' fears, worries, distortions, hangups, etc. scare, put us off, or otherwise confuse us -- because they don't throw back in our face our own unbalanced parts. That way, when they ask for help, we can hear what they want instead of see a reflection of what we want and be distracted by that.
The way to serve, I believe, is not to make it into an intellectual, ethical process of decision making. Instead, it is to prepare oneself ahead of time by doing the work in consciousness of balancing, accepting, and lightening the self little by little. This is one reason why daily meditation matters -- it is the means to service. By front loading the work on oneself, you can freely radiate your essence and trust yourself to provide what is truly asked when the moment comes when service is requested. The more we can make this a free, loving, spontaneous channeling of Creator to Creator, and the less we make it an intellectual task, the more we can serve the Creator within our other selves and the less we confuse ourselves and others by our unprocessed issues interfering with theirs and vice versa.
I hope that helps!
That helps immensely!