06-25-2021, 08:57 AM
(06-25-2021, 04:45 AM)tadeus Wrote: Yes - what Diana and you describe is to focus on the spiritual part.
That's absolute senseful, but the other part should not be ignored totally.
Why not? I agree that it is definitely useful to realize that the elites are actively trying to control the world, and may have evil plans as this leads to questioning everything around you. What you put in your body, what businesses you support, etc.
However, once you have started down this path, i feel that there is no further use in analyzing their systems. It will only bring about anxiety, fear, and hatred (for me personally I guess, but I can't imagine someone being joyous about the dark nature of the elites around the world).
There is almost no use in trying to convince others of your perspective, as I have found this is near impossible. Once someone is ready to take the plunge in which their worldview is shattered, they will do it. The universe will take them their, and 9 times out of 10 you are not the catalyst to this realization for other people.
I initially got this thought that we need to organize against them, but I don't see that being a fruitful path either. I am beginning to believe that working on our spirit and raising the vibration of the world by the way we treat people, animals, and ourselves is the best course of action once you have come to the realization that a group of twisted humanists probably want all of us plebes to die.
I believe keeping the elites' plans out of my conscious almost completely is the healthiest way to deal with their efforts.
Remember how Ra instructed the group in dealing with their 5th density negative companion and such? I dont feel like searching for the passage, but I know it was to greet them with love like any other person. These elites are at their core just tortured, negative entities that are so engrossed in greed and power that they are convinced to do horrible things. All they need is love. They cannot succeed in totality