(06-24-2021, 01:51 PM)Patrick Wrote: I feel free. I don't feel the controlling aspects of society. Not that it is not there, it's just not hampering me personally. I wish it was this way for all and I am sharing my opinion all around me on how I believe we could get there collectively.
Even if my government made it illegal for me to see my parents, or any relatives, for a year because of Covid, I could have disregarded that easily and just go and see them. I did not because my parents are fearful of this manufactured crisis. I don't care about wearing masks and stuff like that. Maybe if I were frustrated by all those rules I would feel more under control, but our perspective on things really has a big effect on how we experience all.
Yes - what Diana and you describe is to focus on the spiritual part.
That's absolute senseful, but the other part should not be ignored totally.