06-10-2021, 08:09 PM
(06-10-2021, 06:07 PM)ANGEL Wrote: Perhaps more accurately I should say your nonanswers to my question.
Why state the choice in a service context at all. When the choice to love and love indicates precisely how service pans out.
So I ask you again why service if the choice is love???
Oops!!! Sorry for missing the main thing that interested you.
Many times Ra implies an equivalency between the will to serve and the the will to seek. For most of my path I've identified much more with seeking than serving, but did understand somewhat that the will to move self in the positive direction--towards Truth or Love or whatever one most deeply feels is self--is the common element between these two.
More recently things have shifted a bit. You described much effort while sojourning in the Vale of Earthly Tears, shall we say, and feeling much spiritual support along the way. In my own wanderings of that type, I would describe the energies within me and around me as being unpredictable, undirected and not well paced.
So, now imagine that you find your guides and helpers and your internal selves beginning to all flow together in the same coherent current of energy. No longer are things coming from all directions, but the work becomes more deliberate and directed until you feel as if you are being swept away in a current of....of what, exactly?
If you think back to what your guides and helpers were doing for you, would it be fair to say that they were offering you spiritual aid or service? If you were to join them in their work, what do you suppose you would be doing together, possibly offering spiritual aid and service?
One thing that changed for me is that I would now describe that current of joined forces with the word "service," and I honestly find that surprising. But that's how it feels to me. Perhaps Ra got it right?