(06-10-2021, 12:11 AM)Graemett Wrote: Carla to my knowledge chose a very finely tuned arrangement of M/B/S to be of service through the Ra contact as instrument. I have a hunch she's from Ra's group along with Don, and their purpose was fulfilled better than they had hoped for.
I believe your assumption that Don and Carla are sixth density is not correct. I personally believe Jim is from Ra's density and one of Don and Carla is from fifth density.
See below cote:
59.3 Questioner: I have a question from Jim that states: “I think I have penetrated the mystery of my lifelong anger at making mistakes. I think I have always been aware subconsciously of my abilities to master new learnings, but my desire to successfully complete my mission on Earth has been energized by the Orion group into irrational and destructive anger when I fail. Could you comment on this observation?”
Ra: I am Ra. We would suggest that as this entity is aware of its position as a Wanderer, it may also consider what pre-incarnative decisions it undertook to make regarding the personal or self-oriented portion of the choosing to be here at this particular time/space. This entity is aware, as stated, that it has great potential, but potential for what? This is the pre-incarnative question. The work of sixth density is to unify wisdom and compassion. This entity abounds in wisdom. The compassion it is desirous of balancing has, as its antithesis, lack of compassion. In the more conscious being this expresses or manifests itself as lack of compassion for self. We feel this is the sum of suggested concepts for thought which we may offer at this time without infringement.
I personally believe Carla is sixth and Don is Fifth based on some Ra's hints.