06-08-2021, 01:12 PM
I listened just now to the recording on youtube and the first printing does seem to be fudged in favor of a more coherent and sensible reading.
The text seems perfectly understandable through the word "maelstrom." If one were to put a comma after that word and another after "incarnated"--and the commas would not be necessary--and one overlooked the clause, "from which it had incarnated," then the meaning would be this. Wanderers can screw up by becoming hypnotized by the 3D illusion and, more than just being ineffective, they actually enhance the messiness of it.
That's not a perfectly satisfying interpretation, but neither would be any other coming out of that particular passage, I would guess. Happily, it's not an especially crucial point or we could be here all day squabbling over it. ha ha.