06-05-2021, 01:34 PM
(06-03-2021, 07:41 PM)Patrick Wrote:(06-03-2021, 07:27 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: ...What are your alternatives to money? Barter system? I am all for the barter system, but do you think it will happen in 3rd density or do you feel money has become a type of catalyst that we may have to endure until the currency system finally collapses? I think most positive people feel the way you do about money but as for right now we may have to endure it until the system collapses. Crypto currency is not much different and a lot of people got rich fast on it a few years ago.
Sure, something like this would be an option: https://eosprojects.com/the-technate-soc...ality.html
Patrick, I respect and admire you greatly so please take the following simply as challenges I foresee in this noble implementation.
That does sound like a much more enlightened and equitable approach than our current financial system, and I hope humanity doesn't take 75,000 years to do it. Due to my own life experiences trying to help my fiancé find and train willing staff for her severely disabled brother, my optimism for such near term unity is greatly diminished. Many people simply quit showing up when they got a stimulus check, and many other positions are left unfilled because these other selves currently have enough to live on, and aren't forced to return to the workforce yet, because they still have food and housing (over half don't own a car). There seem to be many that would not consider the misery of a job as long as they had food and shelter. I wish everyone was STO oriented, hard working team players but that simply isn't the case. Being hungry, or looking at an eviction notice is often the only catalyst which will goad them into showing up for a job to get a paycheck.
As you can imagine the uber-powerful financial systems would fight to the death, since this system ensures their destruction. If they lose, no more uncapped wealth, and these "market makers" are very assertive and capable in their STS orientation. These are their best and brightest, with the most to lose. It will take an enormous push from a LOT of humanity to overturn their money cart. Backing them are the governments and militaries who suckle from this necrotic teat.
I envision this Technate requiring a lot of overhead, or administrative "fees" for all this planning and administration, and then all the ensuing appeals and arbitration because many individuals would feel they were less fairly compensated than others, or simply wanting as much as they could get, depending on their individualized distortions. I believe we should and probably will move to a similar system, but it will be quite a struggle and require a lot of solidarity. I believe the ensuing disinformation and tactics of division would be quite formidable, since they possess a juggernaut of psychologically backed marketing and opinion shaping firms who also stand to lose big if this system goes under. There are a lot of rats on that mighty ship........
As for the money accumulated by L/L and their expansion into social media, I am all for it. In fact I wish they had several billion (or heck, trillions) of dollars to spend in this endeavor. Buy lots of airtime for well crafted commercials, hire firms to manage and propagate the Law of One on social media, make movies, TV shows, audio channels on XM/Spotify, etc. In short, take full advantage of the tools available for our work, the same tools used so effectively by the Orions and STS folks. They would also need a lot of resources to aggressively challenge slander and misinformation via the legal system and further media expenditures to foster clarity in their work. I think we can all imagine Fox News headlines amounting to "The threat of New Age wokeness and their socialist agenda. Now these cultist wacko's are peddling some kind of alien manifesto! Who can stop them from taking what you have and ruining America? Are you scared? You should be VERY scared "
I think the following video links illustrate their skill. I chose the coal topic simply because most of us are aware of this energy source, and it's challenges.
This link is a hilarious (to me) spoof that illustrates their tactics:
This link is serious, and shows their skill and understanding of conservative American psychology.
This past week I've gained a better understanding of the STS orientation by perhaps foolishly communicating with an Orion in regard to a major decision and struggle in my life. I am STO oriented (but perhaps of Reptilian decent), and follow the guidance from the STO side, but wanted to consider the "other point of view" from that family aspect in the attempt to make a more informed decision.
In essence, the advice I received was "you should spend your life doing what you want, since you are forced to endure many lifetimes. Why would you want to be a slave to others?" I also forgot to "close the door" afterwards so to speak, and that was a rough week. They were able to effectively jam my higher connection, and had me in such a frazzled state I couldn't even meditate. This made me feel near hatred for them, which also served their purpose by lowering my vibe, and perhaps allowing them to feed on me if that is indeed what they do, as some have said. There has been a positive outcome though, as I now realize just what a threat the Orions and their ilk present, and that I never want to initiate contact with them again unless I am better armed and prepared. Perhaps I never will be, and should avoid bringing a pocket knife to a tank battle haha.