(05-21-2009, 08:23 AM)sos Wrote: Has anyone considered the possibility that HH is just an inconsequential attention-seeker? I would say that would be the more likely scenario. It's the glamor thing, and we all have to watch out for it.
That sure seems to be a possibility! This reminds me of my fav line in The Devil's Advocate:
Spoken by the 'devil:' "Vanity: my favorite sin!"
(05-21-2009, 01:40 PM)xlsander Wrote: even if he is - i can't repeat it too often - it's about the message not the messenger -
and in my case its a fact without the HH interview god knows when or if i would have ever discovered the LOO
STS entities have their purpose...to provide catalyst. They serve the Creator in their own way. As the Bible says, "All things work together for good..." Surely good does frequently result from having to deal with those whose intentions are not good...it all depends on how we choose to respond.
And, it can work both ways.
I don't think we are in any position to judge the polarity of another. Only walking the Steps of Light can do that. We can only discern whether their actions/views resonate with us or not...In other words, does reading XYZ info help us to polarize to the Light? Or does it instill fear? Does it help us be more loving and forgiving, or does it stir up inclinations to exert power/control over others? Does it bring peace, or does it instill fear?
I agree that the message itself is more relevant than the messenger. However, even the message might be negative or mixed polarity, and, yet, we might choose to utilize it as catalyst for good. Does that mean the message was good, as in, originally intended to help STO polarization? Not necessarily! It might have been intended to promote STS, and others who read the same material might actually polarize towards STS.
My point here is that we really can't determine the original intentions of the source (STS or STO) based on what we got out of it, because, in an STO-polarized entity, it's quite possible, and common, to polarize anyway, despite negative influences. An example is all the people in negative, fear-based religions who do somehow manage to polarize towards STO, despite, not because of, their religion.