05-16-2021, 03:29 PM
(05-16-2021, 02:56 PM)Patrick Wrote: It's not clear to me if it is also Intelligent Infinity or just Infinity that is changeless.
Yes, it could be that I have made it too simple so that it becomes a cop out explanation. I started with intelligent infinity defined as the Word as the simplest possible explanation that I have found.
Theoretically we can look at infinity as all the points around a continuous circle. And each point connected to all other points (like Indra's net). A circle is not very intelligent I guess, lol. So to form the Word we can find a particular point on the circle with a certain angle represented as a single real number. That number, let's call it the Omega number, is an infinite string of information. And then it's "just" a matter of picking the angle that represents a point where the information is structured as infinite intelligence.