02-19-2011, 09:48 AM
Crimson, I agree alot with what you say about Greer. I dont like his "I'm a doctor " either but I like it that someone is trying to get to the truth. The interviews from professional military pilots ,air traffic controls, air line piolts, how do all these [ he has 150+ professions] fall into this project? Do they make money or fame from this? Do you shoot the messenger because he is a little stange? And he talks of dinner with CIA Director, all I Can say is, Where do whistle blowers come from? Why is it that people that do negitive work can't see the light and change? And since changing my life after reading the Ra sessions I have been laughed at for tring to get others to see the light. That when am I going to go into trance? But same person cant get enough about alien aircraft and abduction. I Think that the letter he sends to all in Congress/Senate/President is long over due. I'm sure he has ALOT of people laugh at him and snicker.But does that mean he's wrong? I'm into Nicola Tesla and am amazed at people that laugh at what he was doing, that he was a crack pot yet no one ever loked at his inventions and just wrote him off too. And after you read something profound [Ra sessions] do you snicker at the channel or do you look to the truth being channeled? I personly have had people snicker at me because I recount the nite I seen something that couldnt be explained by our way of thinking and view of the universe. But I still look for the truth in all.