Intelligent Infinity = The Most High
Consciousness = A vehicle, ray of experiencing fun, a full DIVE VR helmet for above
Logos = A branch of the fractal of Intelligent Infinity, that keeps branching off as a fractal or Fibonacci Sequence. The Organic Timeline.
Intelligent Energy = Light, the ability to comprehend and understand using the mind.
Spirit = The thing that connects avatar and matter to Source/Intelligent Infinity.
You = Does not exist, alternative it is the Youniverse
"Your comment offers him catalyst which he could use to shift himself towards a bit more humility, given this particular context, should he wish to choose that path."
That's not necessary or useful.
Consciousness = A vehicle, ray of experiencing fun, a full DIVE VR helmet for above
Logos = A branch of the fractal of Intelligent Infinity, that keeps branching off as a fractal or Fibonacci Sequence. The Organic Timeline.
Intelligent Energy = Light, the ability to comprehend and understand using the mind.
Spirit = The thing that connects avatar and matter to Source/Intelligent Infinity.
You = Does not exist, alternative it is the Youniverse
"Your comment offers him catalyst which he could use to shift himself towards a bit more humility, given this particular context, should he wish to choose that path."
That's not necessary or useful.