02-17-2011, 10:13 AM
Hi again :-)
It amazes me how so many people will look at me with total blankness when faced with topics of spirituality. When faced with someone who has a deep desire to find ALL the answers to life, they are lost because they seemingly do not care for more than their daily struggle - and to focus on their work or their hobbies so intently that there is no more left of themselves in energy to seek answers to those mysteries. I irrritate even my own family by talking about all I learn and being what they sometimes call, obsessed. I wouldn't have it any other way! ;-)
Hi again :-)
It amazes me how so many people will look at me with total blankness when faced with topics of spirituality. When faced with someone who has a deep desire to find ALL the answers to life, they are lost because they seemingly do not care for more than their daily struggle - and to focus on their work or their hobbies so intently that there is no more left of themselves in energy to seek answers to those mysteries. I irrritate even my own family by talking about all I learn and being what they sometimes call, obsessed. I wouldn't have it any other way! ;-)