04-18-2021, 08:28 PM
Just whipped this one up
Crafting the wicked tentacles of the figure's silhouette
Little Abby grabbed her pack
and left in a hurry
The mountain air swooped through the window
and caressed her face
so that she knew
The willows in the old bark tree
laughing along the side
The girl quickly wept through the trees
into the secluded meadow of sun rays
and butterflies,
"Love the lilies"
she thought,
"and the colors they make"
In the cold
there was nothing but dark
The studded sky left nothing to long for
mouths agape, the little ones
wrapped themselves up with blankets
and waited for the calling
Creeping through the night sky
twirling ribbons of light through the dark
the flys danced gracefully
there was nothing left to assume by now
and the fruits were strewn on trees
ready to be picked
and the night sky remained ever studded
while the day crept in
Crafting the wicked tentacles of the figure's silhouette
Little Abby grabbed her pack
and left in a hurry
The mountain air swooped through the window
and caressed her face
so that she knew
The willows in the old bark tree
laughing along the side
The girl quickly wept through the trees
into the secluded meadow of sun rays
and butterflies,
"Love the lilies"
she thought,
"and the colors they make"
In the cold
there was nothing but dark
The studded sky left nothing to long for
mouths agape, the little ones
wrapped themselves up with blankets
and waited for the calling
Creeping through the night sky
twirling ribbons of light through the dark
the flys danced gracefully
there was nothing left to assume by now
and the fruits were strewn on trees
ready to be picked
and the night sky remained ever studded
while the day crept in