03-30-2021, 11:10 AM
(03-30-2021, 09:30 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: The path of the adept is laid out in the Tarot keys, indeed! The basic blueprint of the path of liberation is the same for all within the realms of this Logos, however each will have a wholly unique experience of these archetypal initiations and transformations.
Key 9 - The Hermit shows the completion of the path. 9 symbolizes for completion, furthermore the Hermit stands atop the mountain of attainment. The Hermit represents the One Identity. This is the truth of our being. All paths lead to the same destination; this is shown by the symbolism of the mountain peak. Paths which seem to be going in opposite directions will eventually converge on the peak.
Now, how do we get there? Keys 15-21 show the seven stages of spiritual unfoldment.
The greater number of people remain in the first stage, it’s so glaringly obvious especially in these end times: Key 15–The Devil (Capricorn).
Briefly, the Devil represents ignorance and illusion, falsity. One takes surface appearances at face value and is deceived thereby. The Hebrew letter is Ayin, representing an eye. Consciousness is beastialized. (Think of the orange ray drop down).
Key 16 (Mars), the lightning from Above strikes the Tower and destroys it. This represents ignorance being momentarily illuminated by the Light (Truth); false mental narratives and structures are sundered. After this violent and destructive scene, out shines the Star. The water-bearer (Aquarius) “fishes” (Hebrew letter Tzaddi) for truth in the depths of subconsciousness, I.e. one is now seeking for truth and understanding. The basic function of the Star is meditation. (These are the stages we are most familiar To us as spiritual seekers. I’ll omit speaking about the subsequent Keys due to ignorance.)
A wealth of Ageless Wisdom is concealed within the symbolism of the Keys.
I echo Ra’s advice: choose a means of studying the archetypal mind, stick with it, and go all the way. I would not be where I am today with the Tarot had I not focused on it.
Concentration (Key 1–The Magician-Mercury-Aleph) is required to potentiate the subconscious mind. Use discernment. Instead of being enthralled like the humans in Key 15, the scene is transformed to its true and proper place: Key 6, the Lovers (Gemini, Zain-a sword). Here, with man and woman in harmony, do we receive the guidance and influence of the Higher Self.
Key 15 is what happens when we do not use our discernment (Zain/The sword of Key 6) and take appearances at face value (Ayin-the eye). I mean, look at the world around us. The greater number of people are deceived and their consciousness is held in thrall to superficial materialism.
the Magician Key 1 is Mercury, Beth. Which I am sure was an accident to say it was Aleph which is The Fool.