(03-22-2021, 06:06 PM)sillypumpkins Wrote: I was reading some Blavatsky today (thanks to Ming and Ohr for inspiring me to dive into her work) and this quote felt relevant to some discussions that have taken place here.
It’s been mentioned, or alluded to, on b4 that the world is “inherently STS.” I had trouble reconciling this with my own beliefs/philosophies, so I just left it behind, as it were.
Anyways I found this quote by Blavatsky that I feel gives more of a voice to where some may have been coming from when expressing their belief that the world is inherently STS. It helped me, so.... maybe it will for some you
Quote: “It is impossible to worship both sides, – the male and female of nature, – at once; one or the other must predominate. Only by following the absolute, sexless Unity, can the white path be trodden. Hence the necessity for chastity. The occult and the physical must never be mixed up. It is absolutely necessary to concentrate on one or the other. The tendency naturally is to Black Magic, and that is why several years of training are necessary to cut away every sort of prejudice before power can be entrusted to you. Before you can become an occultist you have to give up every prejudice, every liking, every feeling of preference for one thing or another. The adept must entirely separate himself from his personality. He must say, I am a power! It is easy to fall into Black Magic.”(K.H., Some Commentaries on H.P.B.’s Esoteric Instructions I and II, pg. 10, Par. 2, last line)
To use a star wars symbology, the light side secret societies absolutely know that the dark side secret societies are controlling things from behind the wizard of oz curtain. And these secret societies are real secret societies, not the ones on Ancient aliens history channel or youtube.
HPB's path of the adept is connected to the tarot Magus/Magician/Wizard archetype. As well as the Hermit (secret society), the Hierophant (sages/gurus/true priests/avatars), and the Fool (The Child).
A child does not have a solidified personality, yet. It can still change. As the Christ once talked about, to become a child is the way to the kingdom of god. Children will mimick powerful super heroes and other such roles. They "pretend" and act as if they are the power, to understand it.
Black magic is a crutch. It is for those that want a solution to their problems, but they want an easy fix or shortcut. Like using money to buy love potions, fame, or success, vs having an internal work ethic and virtues. The wizards have no need of black magick or even white magick. Their Willpower manifests directly as reality.
In that sense, Crowley and other occultists failed. They failed because ... well, they know why.