03-22-2021, 07:42 PM
(03-22-2021, 06:06 PM)sillypumpkins Wrote: I was reading some Blavatsky today (thanks to Ming and Ohr for inspiring me to dive into her work) and this quote felt relevant to some discussions that have taken place here.
It’s been mentioned, or alluded to, on b4 that the world is “inherently STS.” I had trouble reconciling this with my own beliefs/philosophies, so I just left it behind, as it were.
Anyways I found this quote by Blavatsky that I feel gives more of a voice to where some may have been coming from when expressing their belief that the world is inherently STS. It helped me, so.... maybe it will for some you
Quote: “It is impossible to worship both sides, – the male and female of nature, – at once; one or the other must predominate. Only by following the absolute, sexless Unity, can the white path be trodden. Hence the necessity for chastity. The occult and the physical must never be mixed up. It is absolutely necessary to concentrate on one or the other. The tendency naturally is to Black Magic, and that is why several years of training are necessary to cut away every sort of prejudice before power can be entrusted to you. Before you can become an occultist you have to give up every prejudice, every liking, every feeling of preference for one thing or another. The adept must entirely separate himself from his personality. He must say, I am a power! It is easy to fall into Black Magic.”
Pure Magic in the Occult sense is neutral. It is only because people are persuaded to, (either), Black, (or), White magic by the influences of the Church. Having a Christian orientated Black and White teachings, (Heaven or Hell), those who oppose the Church become Black. In my Spiritual Quest I encountered Black Magicians. I could not take them seriously because the power they had was in their imagination. Without sounding egotistical, (which I am not). I had more power in my little finger. I have used it a couple times, and I was amazed how powerful it was, (White or Neutral). Although you, (unknowingly), drift to one side, (or the other). The problem with magic, it can quickly cause karmic ramifications that get out of control. Don't do more than you are willing to receive in karmic payback. There is always the Universal Balance.
For this reason, I do not go into the area of the "Universal Law of Attraction". Why? Universal Balance. I have the argument that is somebody, (greedily), takes from the Universe, how do we not know that we are not depriving another Being living in a distant Galaxy? If the Universe remains in balance. Also, the Universe can give, and it can also take it away. If somebody is taking from the Universe, (which they are not entitled to). Then it creates imbalance. On YouTube I had arguments with some of the Law of Attraction conmen. I think I made them feel uncomfortable, and a lot of people agreed with me. The "Universal Law of Attraction" is a form of Magic. Stating the same argument. So ends the discourse...