"I have been seeing signs and messages that there would be a big event of change in March."
I can confirm that. I've already seen it in Vedic astrology and recently my tarot draws.
"I expect there is some energetic impetus at hand having to do with the transitioning energies from 3rd to 4th density."
From my analysis, it is a sub octave shift. 4.4 to 4.5 or 4.3 to 4.4
An individual would be farther down the decimal versions. So they would be working on potentially all 7 chakras. But usually 3 (base) and 1 higher. Q'uo mentioned "initiation" stages and described how they would look like. These are the overall final tests, so to speak, but there are mid terms and quizzes along the way.
So an entity has to check their survival reflex and instincts, how much food and resources they have. Then they can focus on using the heart to power their sacral relationships. Then they can use the heart to look at how to cultivate the solar chakra. Then they can use the heart to open the heart. Then the heart to open up the voice chakra.
This is different for each individual, for each region, for each civilization, for each world, and for each universe. They can be at different sub octaves in the greater octave.
For example, someone that is operating at the overall 3rd density pov, is using their solar chakra to develop their root (survival) and sacral (relationships). They still have potential access to the heart and higher chakras, such as intuition, but they will primarily be unlocking their base chakras using only the 3rd chakra pov. This could be a stock broker that is only interested in the ambition of gaining money. They use their intuition to make good judgment calls to trade stocks better. They care about other people, but not to the point of any real sacrifice. They try to teach stock trading to others, so that other people can raise their economic, red, and solar chakras.
In Music, there are different octaves and tempos. The same note can exist on higher or lower scales.
To a musician, 12 chakra/dimensions are easier to comprehend, since it includes the black keys on the piano. For someone that merely uses the 8 or 9 chakra system, the octave system is easier to visualize.
I can confirm that. I've already seen it in Vedic astrology and recently my tarot draws.
"I expect there is some energetic impetus at hand having to do with the transitioning energies from 3rd to 4th density."
From my analysis, it is a sub octave shift. 4.4 to 4.5 or 4.3 to 4.4
An individual would be farther down the decimal versions. So they would be working on potentially all 7 chakras. But usually 3 (base) and 1 higher. Q'uo mentioned "initiation" stages and described how they would look like. These are the overall final tests, so to speak, but there are mid terms and quizzes along the way.
So an entity has to check their survival reflex and instincts, how much food and resources they have. Then they can focus on using the heart to power their sacral relationships. Then they can use the heart to look at how to cultivate the solar chakra. Then they can use the heart to open the heart. Then the heart to open up the voice chakra.
This is different for each individual, for each region, for each civilization, for each world, and for each universe. They can be at different sub octaves in the greater octave.
For example, someone that is operating at the overall 3rd density pov, is using their solar chakra to develop their root (survival) and sacral (relationships). They still have potential access to the heart and higher chakras, such as intuition, but they will primarily be unlocking their base chakras using only the 3rd chakra pov. This could be a stock broker that is only interested in the ambition of gaining money. They use their intuition to make good judgment calls to trade stocks better. They care about other people, but not to the point of any real sacrifice. They try to teach stock trading to others, so that other people can raise their economic, red, and solar chakras.
In Music, there are different octaves and tempos. The same note can exist on higher or lower scales.
To a musician, 12 chakra/dimensions are easier to comprehend, since it includes the black keys on the piano. For someone that merely uses the 8 or 9 chakra system, the octave system is easier to visualize.