(03-03-2021, 11:15 AM)Dtris Wrote: History classes basically teach that Muhammed thought that the Christian and Jewish Peoples had an advantage because they were unified thru religion while the arabic peoples were still tribalistic and constantly fought among each other. Muhammed thought that the defining factor was that those were "religions of the book". So he set about to create his own book to unify his people. Of course modern history does not attribute any actual divine revelation or channeling to the message of Muhammed.
The history classes is totally inaccurate:
Mind you that:
1. The 'social identity' labeled as "Arabic People" did not yet exist when Muhammad was living and walking upon earth.
In the same manner as identity labeled as "American" did not exist during 17th century.
2. You can read on written history how the Roman Byzantine Empire (Roman Christian) oppressed the Judean up to the point of destroying the Mount Temple in Jerusalem. During the time of Muhammad, the Mount Temple is in total ruin and no Judean are allowed to enter Jerusalem.
3. In revenge, many Judean political groups, in alliance and support from the rival of the Romans (Persian Empire) start out many rebellion and did attempted to retake Jerusalem. And when they do the massacre of Roman Christians (Goys) occurs..
4. Even when the Caliph conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantine (occurred about 15-20 years after the death of Muhammad), the Byzantine Church bishop wrote the event as the "Sarachen" invaded Jerusalem with help / support of the "Heathen Judean".
5. There was definitely no unity within Christian groups, ample of evidence on this, read how the church oppressed the Nestorian, the Qumran society, the Copts, the Nassara (Mesianic Jews) and any other group who did not respect the authority of Roman Church, and also no unity within the Judean groups, let alone a unity between Christian and Judean group.
6. Mr Muhammad seems to be in close relationship with the Nassara (Messianic Jews), the Copts and the Ethiopian Christian as he and his group did migrated to Ethiopia for safety reason.
7. Mr Muhammad never wrote any book, in the same manner as Jesus never wrote any book. Even if he does none of the copy survived to this day. Mind you that writing on a piece of scroll (lamb skin is the most often used material) is a very very expensive endeavor during that day. A scroll of Tanakh bundle might cost $100,000 in today's currency. Even access to such material is an exclusive privilege for the very few elites (Scholar and Priest). And also not to mention that the illiteracy rate within the society was around 90%.
A "book" in those times will look something like this:
And it requires the skin from more than 100 lambs...
flofrog Wrote:to me it seems impossible the same might apply to Ra, just because essentially Ra insists so much about each one resonating or not, so it's still such an open choice as opposed to a dogma, and also because All is One so there is no separation as occurs within a religious group as 'we have the truth, and the others do not.. ' lol
BUT, this being said, you are also right to say, only time will tell, as the LOO could itself be distorted by a group aiming to form an exclusive group...
I think I read somewhere similar statements can be found in the Quran, something like "Take only the best meanings of this message" and also the infamous "There is no compulsion in belief and opinion as truth stands out clear from error".
But definitely it didn't stop anything, as those with lenient towards 'power', 'authority' and 'control' will definitely skipped those message.
Another pattern of STS is, they are drawn towards power, authority and control.
Thus unless they see that the 'material' will serve such purpose they will not paid much attention to it.
Many centuries passed when Roman Empire did not pay any attention to Jesus and the gospel material, only when it has risen in certain popularity within the empire they start to see that this Jesus and Gospel thing is a great tools to exert control over the masses.
Thus just expect those 'pattern' to re-emerge when Law of One has gained ample of popularity...
As said before, the STS / Negative Path need to be given an ample of opportunity to also spread their catalyst.
As without the negative path how can you then know the opposite? (positive path)