(02-21-2021, 11:09 PM)Raukura Waihaha Wrote: Why do you doubt the correlation?
Because it's impossible to make, all paths are different, you cannot claim STO is more shallow and a quicker path, you have zero to base that on. My point stands, either polarity has the potential for being shallow or deep, and both can be just as direct (3-4-5-6), or indirect back and forth, with tons of wandering. The qualities of either depends on the experiences sought by the individual.
Quote:You seem to equate "nicer" with "more beneficial".
I never did, that's your projection. It was a characterisation of leading a pleasant and uncomplicated life, vs a tumultuous and chaotic one (both in STO framework). The statement was to contrast the preceding one (dynamic vs simpler STO experiences). I was not contrasting to the STS polarity at all.
Quote:The contribution of the STS role is just as valuable as the STO one.
I never said or implied otherwise, again, that's your projection on my neutral statement about both polarities having deep or shallow potential.
I don't think you understood my statements at all really, because the point was entirely missed, you cannot make a blanket statement about the 2 polarities like that, it's way above both our pay grades anyways, and it's a completely unnecessary and a futile exercise. You seem to want to convince yourself of being STS (which is fine), and then justify the experience on your own terms and qualities. You don't have to do either one of those things (meaning, you don't have to label yourself, nor comparatively qualify it to anyone).
Don't take this as a personal attack, it was a simple generalized statement.