01-30-2021, 12:43 AM
Many-ness, can only be defined within 'finite' concept, not infinity.
In order to say / think 'many', one need to create a border between this and that, between something and something else, between somebody and somebody else.
Thus one can say, this is 1, that is 2, and over there is 3 and so on.
A clear border between things we labeled as 1, 2 and 3 is clearly defined by the one who's counting.
Infinity has no border at all, one can try to find the border in order to complete the definition of "this is 1" and begin the seeking of "that is 2" but he will keep on finding and finding and finding and finding..... and will never find the border. There's always more and more...
In math classes, to introduce the conception of infinity, we 'simulate the experience' using calculation of 10 divide by 3.
The results is 3,33333333333333333333333333 -> until infinity, no end in sight....
Thus there is no possibility that there could be 2 infinity, as even trying to find the 'end' of 1 and 'beginning' of 2, the calculator will try to find it until infinite amount of time. The only limit is the calculator's own lifetime... as the calculator is a finite being.
In computer we call this 'infinite loop', and usually there's a guard within each Operating System for this type of calculation, when such infinite constant loop is detected the Operating System will perform 'deliberate stop' of the infinite calculation and the user will call this as 'the computer/smart phone/device has crashed'.
I describe this as foundational understanding, before trying to give an answer to the question below.
STO are those who view that the other 'self' is part of his/her/it own 'self', thus he seeks other 'self' to also love the other 'self' by honoring other self free will. As he/she/it know that the other self would like to have their free will respected because that's how he/she/it like to be treated in the first place. (treat others as you like to be treated)
STS are those who view that the other 'self' is not part of his/her/it own 'self', but he seeks to have the other self as part of his/her/it's own self (possession), in which his initial 'self' will become the dominant 'self' over the other 'self'. Thus by doing so he/she/it doesn't really care about the other's free will, as STS view his/her/own self 'know better' or 'superior' compared to the other self. That's why 'power struggle' between STS is a common place, as each STS think that it's own self is the 'dominant' self compared to others. That's also why 'hierarchy' is the preferred structure of STS organization / society.
In it's own way, both actually seek 'unity' with other self.
Until both STOs and STSes realize that the number of other self is actually infinite... there's no limit on how many 'other self' out there that's not yet 'in'. Thus realize, by it's own free will, that the only way to 'become' the infinite is not through preservation of the finite self or expansion of the border which define the finite self, (the "us" or "we" or "my") but to obliterate the border of the finite self. Thus obliterating the limitation / border of his/her/it/us/my definition.
By destroying the limitation / border of "us" / "we" / "my" / "ours", it will also destroy the definition of "them" / "theirs".
As "they", "theirs" exist because "us/we/my/ours" exist. Thus the end of finite or 'bordered' identification.
In order to say / think 'many', one need to create a border between this and that, between something and something else, between somebody and somebody else.
Thus one can say, this is 1, that is 2, and over there is 3 and so on.
A clear border between things we labeled as 1, 2 and 3 is clearly defined by the one who's counting.
Infinity has no border at all, one can try to find the border in order to complete the definition of "this is 1" and begin the seeking of "that is 2" but he will keep on finding and finding and finding and finding..... and will never find the border. There's always more and more...
In math classes, to introduce the conception of infinity, we 'simulate the experience' using calculation of 10 divide by 3.
The results is 3,33333333333333333333333333 -> until infinity, no end in sight....
Thus there is no possibility that there could be 2 infinity, as even trying to find the 'end' of 1 and 'beginning' of 2, the calculator will try to find it until infinite amount of time. The only limit is the calculator's own lifetime... as the calculator is a finite being.
In computer we call this 'infinite loop', and usually there's a guard within each Operating System for this type of calculation, when such infinite constant loop is detected the Operating System will perform 'deliberate stop' of the infinite calculation and the user will call this as 'the computer/smart phone/device has crashed'.
I describe this as foundational understanding, before trying to give an answer to the question below.
(01-29-2021, 06:32 PM)dreamoftheiris Wrote: The STO and STS path differs thusly:
- STO is seeking transformation of their will to align with the One.
- STS is seeking to empower their will to become their own god separate from the One.
Since all is one, your will is already God's will, even if you try to become your own god. Which is one reason I think there is a limit to the STS path.
STO are those who view that the other 'self' is part of his/her/it own 'self', thus he seeks other 'self' to also love the other 'self' by honoring other self free will. As he/she/it know that the other self would like to have their free will respected because that's how he/she/it like to be treated in the first place. (treat others as you like to be treated)
STS are those who view that the other 'self' is not part of his/her/it own 'self', but he seeks to have the other self as part of his/her/it's own self (possession), in which his initial 'self' will become the dominant 'self' over the other 'self'. Thus by doing so he/she/it doesn't really care about the other's free will, as STS view his/her/own self 'know better' or 'superior' compared to the other self. That's why 'power struggle' between STS is a common place, as each STS think that it's own self is the 'dominant' self compared to others. That's also why 'hierarchy' is the preferred structure of STS organization / society.
In it's own way, both actually seek 'unity' with other self.
Until both STOs and STSes realize that the number of other self is actually infinite... there's no limit on how many 'other self' out there that's not yet 'in'. Thus realize, by it's own free will, that the only way to 'become' the infinite is not through preservation of the finite self or expansion of the border which define the finite self, (the "us" or "we" or "my") but to obliterate the border of the finite self. Thus obliterating the limitation / border of his/her/it/us/my definition.
By destroying the limitation / border of "us" / "we" / "my" / "ours", it will also destroy the definition of "them" / "theirs".
As "they", "theirs" exist because "us/we/my/ours" exist. Thus the end of finite or 'bordered' identification.