01-27-2021, 11:40 PM
(01-27-2021, 08:18 PM)zedro Wrote: The first part: I don't think this is channeling, but rather pre-cognition (an aspect of clairvoyance). Now is it time bending or being in tuned in with conscious states (or are those even separate things) I'm not sure. (Edit: I hesitated to bring up the Déjà Vu aspect, but MFs post below does convey that aspect...it's hard to be precise about these things)
I am thinking you are onto something with consciousness states. I have had experiences of precognition of longer time frames and clairvoyance but this felt/feels different from those.
I am starting to think sharing it, and dealing with the old embarrassment was really why my higherself was so silent, as in the last hour I heard "transpiritual state" and was shown another experience I have had several times over the last 8 years that is apparently linked.
I can't word it exactly at the moment but it is some sort of shift from "i" to I. I will take some time to go listen tonight but thank you for your words as I didn't get the message till after this thread was formed and had replies so I assume that was needed.
(01-27-2021, 08:18 PM)zedro Wrote: 2nd part: yeah that sucks doesn't it, the fact that it got shut down most likely meant it was from positive sources, since they do not want to cause negative feelings. Something similar happened to me recently, where I felt my lower body was being energetically worked on in bed. I experienced a kundalini type feeling, but it startled me and I suddenly got paranoid that it was something bad that was happening (this thought was obviously suggested to me as a form of interference). Well the work immediately stopped (at least my perception of it) because of the induced fear response. If it was infact negatives, I would expect the process to continue, like when I get sleep paralysis episodes that I need to struggle out of.Yes definitely positive. Funny even ones I was sure in my teens had been negative with hind sight I see now they were positive. Fear is one heck of a filter and the time of blocking occurred the first year I attended a religious school that was very devil/demon indoctrinating.
As to how to get things going again? Well maybe the experience was only meant to be temporary to at least ground in the idea of these possibilities to be manifested in full at a later date. All we can do is continue working on ourselves and apply self care, and I believe our toolsets will one day be put to use when we and the world is ready. The fact that our guides/higher selves are silent on certain matters certainly indicates a greater plan to be 'strategically' revealed.
Thankfully they(my team) are working on unblocking some stuff.
They started trying again about 8 0r 9 years ago but I was so freaked out I asked them to stop. They did. A few years passed and now little by very very little tiny steps are being made.
It is like you say those inadvertent reactions, split second impulses that pull you out of the awareness. I am being "desensitized" systematically but gosh I can be slow to make leaps even when my conscious mind is totally into it.

I agree though. Generally there is a plan regarding the inquiry when they don't comment.
Thanks so much!