01-10-2021, 12:38 AM
(01-08-2021, 03:44 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: Would you tell me how to perform the LBRP? Thanks and the ritual to the Holy Qabalah cross and is there another ritual you could direct me to for help in clearing out an unused space but now I want to use it? I really don't do well with videos is you could write these things out in detail I would appreciate it. You seem to have decades or perhaps just loads of wisdom and I would like to extrapolate what I can from your ritualistic practices. Is there one that you do everyday or just when you study the Qabalah, Astrology or Tarot? Thank you!
I don't even know what LBRP is..
I'm not a ritualistic or practitioner or even try to study those kind of things that you mentioned.
Actually I was a skeptic initially, until I experienced it myself.
To me it just 'came'.
All the things that I shared here is based purely on my own experience.
And my current understanding, as of now, based on my own experience.
It might not be 100% correct, but this is my understanding as of now.
Space (and time) kind of work differently on those realm, we can teleport to any place.
As thus I believe 'they' can also do the same thing.
So far I tend to say that an 'attachment' is more towards being and not place.
Just like we have tendency to like or dislike certain person and so are they.
And we also have the capability to transform and influence some aspect on our environment, feel free to do any ritual that you choose, but the objective should be to lift up your own vibration. A simple prayer on any religion will also work as long as it will lift up your vibration. And so does the practice of meditation, yoga and qigong does help of strengthening your energy and lifting your vibration plus it will improve your physical health and mood as well. Choose which one suits you best, there's no 'best method' or 'lesser method' it all came down to the individual. And in any case this is not a 'race' or 'competition', only negs who think in those manner.
My advice is don't rely too much on the detail of ritual, I heard from an acquaintance of mine who studied into these kind of things that's usually the negs who paid much attention to the detail of 'complex ritual'. I haven't experienced it myself as I'm not interested in any ritual, so take this advice with a grain of salt.
Again don't be afraid of the negs, yet don't abuse them either.
When you're bullying a bully you will become a bully yourself.
Learn about them, their characteristic so you can differentiate and recognize easily.
If you did encountered them, try to help them if they asked, and always with utmost sincerity.