12-31-2020, 06:48 AM
(12-30-2020, 10:29 PM)flofrog Wrote: It often strikes me how second density is better or even perfectly ‘organized’ compared to our ways in third..I see what you are saying. They seem to move with far more organization than we do but there is something more to this. It is survival instinct I think you are witnessing. The cooperation and the manner in which they seem to collect themselves in daily activities. It is a little amazing to watch them because it does take loads of development in order to create well purposed patterns.
Like I said, we witness this and it is according to their very survival. Third density has a much harder time in realizing the self and the mind (remember everything is mind stuff). It really appears wild and chaotic but I promise there is also a pattern. Anytime there is a change, more movement, excitement or a shift; comes with it the "storm" I guess you could say. Where the warm ocean water meets to the deep cool current of another body of water brews movement. The yellow ray is a very powerful ray because when Man realizes himself for the first time, he is a powerful entity and just like the two currents that merge so does the lower and higher Man at some point.
I also like to think of these times (which are hard) as waking from a terrible nightmare where you fight to awaken.
You have a lot of hope it seems for humanity, that's your love/light, light/love. Just shine that never mind all the crazy patterns of awakening.