12-26-2020, 04:24 PM
(12-26-2020, 01:29 PM)meadow-foreigner Wrote: .
This is what happens when the Self disagrees with other-Selves. When the Self fights other-Selves. It's basically the tree destroying itself. And, although everything is valid in The Creation, why would you indulge in such self-limited behavior? Why would you rather postpone your own graduation by limiting your Self? Wouldn't you rather be better?
There's alot here but there's one thing in particular that I'd like to address, and I believe it's a pitfall many are falling into here. (Apologies in advance as this most likely goes off your topic, because I really zeroed in to this statement).
We do not have to agree on any particular aspect of this 3rd density illusion to graduate and eventually intergrate into a SMC. Disagreement is not inherently depolarizing, or detuning, or whatever loaded words Ra followers like to throw around at each other. The shift into 4th density will simply be the new school to learn how to create a cohesive society and eventually develop into a SMC, and it's the differences and disagreements and the eventual resolution of such that will enrich the SMC as it forms (in the next density!) into a cohesive and functional conscience, while still maintaining a certain individuality at the "cellular" level. People are getting too hung up on the details, you just need to recognize what the next evolutionary step is and be willing to participate in the learning of it, you are not expected to actually be a perfect expression of it (or even understand it at all), that's what the 4th density school is for. Stop worrying about what is expected from the higher densities that you do not currently inhabit, you just need 2 things:
Forgive yourself
Forgive others
If you can't do this, you would not want to share yourself into an eventual SMC, because you would not feel worthy, or you would feel others are not worthy of you. In other words, you would exclude yourself by choice, not because you couldn't agree on the arbitrary concerns of some illusionary construct.
So stop worrying about what or who is STS and STO, and what percentage you or they may be scoring, and scrutinizing every little aspect of yourself and others and judging if it makes you or them worthy of graduation. You do not have to agree on anything right now, just accept and love, yourself and the other.
Religious dogmatism is a trap people keep falling into, and followers of the LOO are of no exception. (Not pointing any fingers, most of us have this tendency of misusing knowledge).
So to maybe to address the question from this context:
How to handle chaos: accept it
How to handle unity: accept it.