12-20-2020, 12:20 AM
(12-18-2020, 01:30 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: What is actually won by the winners? What are we fighting for, exactly? Please remind me.
The 'winning' (thus it's opposite implication 'losing') is an STS thought framework.
Winning = gaining superiority, gaining dominance over the losers, enslaving the losers.
Quote:Below is one view of this. If you make it to the end of the excerpt, you'll see that the path forward for some is the way of the heart. Why would that be, I wonder?
Thank you for pointing the citation from Hatton, it correlate well and very similar with the Zen story..
Let me repeat the zen story:
Quote:There's a Zen story about a warlord who attack and raid a village, once he and his band arrived at the village he found that the village is already empty, all the populace has run away for safety. He and his band can then easily loot anything that they wishes from the village.
Until one of his man report back about a presence of a monk within the temple, who did not run away and sit still in meditation posture.
Enraged, the warlord come to the temple and approached the monk, draw his sword pointing it at the monk's head and said:
Warlord: You stupid monk! Why you don't run away like everybody else, don't you know who I am??? I can easily split you in half!
Monk: And don't you know who I am?? I can easily split MYSELF in half.
The probable result are the following:
1. The monk decided to fight the warlord, the monk won the battle gaining dominance over the warlord.
The monk has polarized himself one notch closer to STS path, the warlord failed to polarize further on STS path as he failed to gain dominance.
If the monk continue this pattern, continue seeking and fighting another warlords, he will be on his 'highway to STS' and potentially polarizing much further than the warlord himself on STS path, becoming more war mongering than the warlord, although he dressed like a monk.
2. The monk decided to fight the warlord, the warlord won the battle gaining dominance over the monk. (the 'loser' scenario)
The warlord has polarized further on STS path, the monk has polarized himself one notch closer to STS path. If the monk did not accept the 'losing' event and vow for revenge, the monk will grow further in his bitterness and anger, the monk will polarize further and further to STS.
3. The monk decided to fight the warlord, but the battle ends in a draw, none of them could dominate over the other.
The warlord fail to polarize further on STS path, the monk has polarized himself one notch closer to STS path and failed to polarize further on STO path.
4. The monk decided to let the warlord split him in half without resistance and the warlord split him in half. (the 'loser' scenario)
The warlord has polarized further on STS path, the monk has polarized himself further on STO path.
So both are polarizing further on their respective path.
5. The monk decided to let the warlord split him in half without resistance, but the warlord amazed by the courage of the monk, as 'splitting myself in half' is something that the warlord is not able to do, he then decided to learn more on how the monk is able to do that.
The warlord has starting to polarize himself towards STO path.