12-08-2020, 04:50 PM
(12-06-2020, 08:11 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: We live in 3rd density. We literally have one another as a mirror to aid us in this journey. Why would we begin to deny this reality to perceive another reality? We first must master this reality then we may proceed.
Well actually we live in multiple densities.
So there should not be any reality to be 'denied' in the first place.
And 'realm' / 'reality' is not something to be mastered and/or conquered, it's a venue for everyone to experience something. We actually can perceive multiple realm/realities.
The relationship between density/realm/realities is not mutually exclusive.
Quote:To accept the Law is One is not to "know" the Law is One. To comprehend Infinity, we cannot truly but we can accept that there is foreverness but we cannot know it in 3rd density. The word, "know" is pretty heavy duty. You accept many things and take them in as a belief perhaps, but you do not "know" all these things. Others exist in the space/time continuum, but only in the mind of God. Truly there is but One mind here. It dwells in Foreverness. Somewhere you can only visit for short periods of "time" within this space and this time. Denying the Laws of this Logos is pretty futile because you cannot really get around them. Even the Masters know this.
Well I never had even the slightest idea / thought to 'accept' the Law of One or to 'know' the Law of One.
Or even trying to make other 'accept' the law.
In essence it's all about 'unity'. The concept being told by so many parties and named with different names and told in many different ways. But it always related to 'unity'. That is the meaning of "1".
And unity is something that should be 'experienced' and not merely 'know'.
Such realization will come, eventually to everyone, including to those who think that they're 'separated' from others.
This life experience is not about 'me', it's about how 'me' touch the life of 'others', as 'others' is actually also 'me'.