(11-28-2020, 10:43 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: Hello all. So I’ve been talking with my friend Kristina about current world events and how it ties into the global shift to 4D.
I have read the entire archive of Q’uo channeling a a few years ago. I remember that Q’uo had talked about the energetic transition to 4D and how it would affect the planet and population. There is also information on the end times of 3D in there. Q’uo had mentioned that the negative polarity might have its “15 minutes of fame” before they’ve completely fallen harder than ever before. Secondly, Q’uo talked about the energetic environment of fourth density and how the average 3D human would not be able to function without significant distortion due to the intensity of light of 4D.
If anyone knows what I am referring to, can you please help me find it in the archive? It’s very difficult to find specific things there... I want to say it was after 2002 but I am not sure.
Thank you!
The quotes below may not be what you were looking for, because most of them come from more recent channeling transcripts. Nevertheless, I think they are relevant and may helps.
For the first idea:
Gary: Q’uo, in 17.1 Ra is describing the transition to fourth density, and they say “there will also be a sharp increase in the short run of negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes and social complexes due to the polarizing conditions of the sharp delineation between fourth density characteristics and third density self-service orientation. Those who remain in fourth density upon this planet will be the so-called positive orientation.”
That thought is echoed elsewhere in the Confederation’s philosophy: Earth will be a fourth-density positive planet and there won’t be a home here for the negative orientation. So, my question is: How does the service to self meet its end? Does it find a climactic finale before it is no longer available here? Does it dwindle out gradually from existence? If Q’uo could speak to that please.
Q’uo: I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. Though there seems to be a great deal of negative energies in motion upon your planetary sphere, those entities who are actually of possible harvestability in the negative sense are individuals rather than groups, and are much fewer in number than those who are positively harvested, or harvested possibles. Thus, the individuals expressing the negative polarity of service to self will be busy about separating themselves from those around them, attempting to control those around them, and doing so usually from a position that is not publicly visible, for it is much more easy for such negatively oriented entities to move in the shadows, shall we say, and do their work in an unseen fashion, and have their work done for them by those who are minions of such entities. Thus, you will see certain activities or movements of energies on a larger scale than the individual that will seem to contain much that is disharmonious, much that is of a dark nature, much that is of a separative nature, and even those that are visible carrying out these plans may not themselves be harvestable to the negative polarity; but those who are guiding them, those who are inspiring them, those who are sending them forth to do their work are the ones who may find their own harvestability, shall we say.
These entities, as they pass through the doorway of death, as you call it, will harvest themselves to another planetary influence that will be their home planet in the fourth density. There they shall engage in what you may call a struggle for the power over others aspect of the negative polarity. The struggle will be with entities of similar nature in the fourth density, so that at the end of this war, shall we say, of the mind of light being sent forth to do its work in the negative sense, when all such power struggles have been completed and each agrees that the alignment is as it should be, then the social memory complex shall begin its experience upon that fourth density negative planet.
Is there a follow-up query to this question, my brother?
Gary: If I understand, Q’uo, you are saying that in our space/time experience upon this third-density sphere, those of negative orientation will complete the term of their incarnation, move on elsewhere, and they won’t be replaced by newly incarnating entities of negative orientation, so it is by that mechanism that there will be a decrease in the negative polarity. Is that correct?
Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and this is correct, my brother, for the negative polarity has a requirement that is quite strenuous. Ninety-five percent of its thoughts, words, and deeds must be successfully polarizing towards the negative pole, whereas the positively oriented entities need only demonstrate 51% of thought, words, and deeds in service to others in order to be able to graduate to the fourth density. Thus, there would not be enough time, shall we say, for new fourth-density hopeful entities to become incarnated in the time that remains upon your third density here. Thus, they are not able to do their necessary work, shall we say, in the time that remains.
Gary: I would like to read a Quote from Ra, and then ask a question. Ra says: “There will also be a sharp increase, in the short run, of negatively oriented, or polarized entities and social complexes due to the polarizing conditions of the sharp delineation between the fourth density characteristics, and third density self-service orientation.” [1]
So, my question is: We find that our society consists in some part of entities entering into reality bubbles where the facts change according to the paradigm of the bubble, and correspondence between bubbles can be non-existent. Does this have any connection to the “sharp delineation” Ra describes? I ask, because it seems that the lines between world views, or vibratory levels, seems sharper and sharper.
Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Again, we find this is a salient observation, and would wish to attempt response by suggesting that in the most basic sense that you are correct that the short-run increase of the negatively oriented entities, both of individual variety, and social complexes, expresses itself frequently in a manner which can be easily misinterpreted; for the negatively oriented entities (who are also seeking their graduation into the fourth density) do not speak clearly that which is their desire, for they are aware that most entities would not wish to walk into a prison, shall we say, whether it be of a physical nature, or of a mental nature, or of an emotional nature; for the kind of communication that you describe is that which is frequently utilized in order to confuse. It is like the stage magician who shows you one hand that is performing a certain process, while in truth, the other hand is performing that which is salient to the, shall we say, the prestidigitation, the manipulation of the mind and the distraction of the eye, so that which is seen is not actually that which is presented for observation.
The type of communication of which you speak is the language of control, the language of suppression, the language of confusion, for under these conditions it is possible for the negatively oriented entity to willingly lure the unpolarized, or even perhaps the positively oriented entity into a situation which is like unto a prison, where thoughts are manacled, expression is muted, and freedom is an illusion. Thus, we would recommend that within your own daily round of activities you take time, perhaps at the beginning, or the end, or both, of the day, to center yourself in a mindful manner, which reduces the sensory inputs into your brain/mind complex, and returns you again to that quality which we find those of Ra had referred to as the “unfed conscious mind,” the mind of the beginner, the mind which has only consciousness as a resource, the mind which can calm the jangled nerves, and can allow the confusion to dissolve, the mind which can reveal once again, the basic purpose of each seeker of truth in the positive sense, that is, to reach within the heart and find the love residing there, to open that door to that love and bring it forth to share as one’s response to any situation which may confront one.
This will take, in some cases, a good deal of consideration, for in a world of confusion, the expression of love is very often lost upon those to whom you send it. Thus, one cannot be dedicated, shall we say, to a certain outcome, but must have begun the exercise of faith that that love, which is sent, will reach its destination, and will have its effect upon what you would call “the world condition,” the apparent misdirection and misapprehension of energies by those of the negative nature who seek at this time to use the small amount of time remaining within your third density to polarize sufficiently for their own graduation. So, our recommendation is meditation, centering, mindfulness, and love.
Is there a further query, my brother?
Gary: Anna’s question made me think of one. Ra described how there would be a sharp increase of the negative polarity—I believe their words were “In the short run,” though may be misquoting that. [2] And Q’uo, as well, has described how the negative polarity is as the dragon lashing its tail, and its time is short on this planet. I recall Q’uo saying this prior to the past several years when things have really intensified. So, I’m wondering if Q’uo could speak to this sense that the negative polarity has a short time here on Earth. What happens, and when do we see this decrease in the negative polarity?
Q’uo: I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. There is, indeed, at this time, the influx of the so-called negative polarity which seeks to be of service to the self by separating the self from all other selves in attempting to control them for the benefit of the self. This is in accordance with the opportunity for all entities to exercise their free will at all times, and most especially at this time, for this planetary sphere has, within its beingness, the fourth-density vibrations of love and understanding activated and beginning to have an effect upon the overall milieu or quality of experience within this planetary sphere. Thus, the vibrations of love and understanding of the service-to-others polarity are beginning to anchor themselves in a fashion which will eventually permit a greater reflection of this desire to see the One-in-all and to serve that One with all of one’s being, for the positively polarized entities.
Thusly, there is but a short period of time, as you would call it, that the negatively oriented entities may continue to pursue their chosen path of service to self. This is unconsciously recognized by such entities so that there is a renewed effort made at this time by such entities to exercise a great polarity in the negative sense and thereby achieve that which is called the harvest into the fourth density in the negative sense.
Thus, this dragon, as it has been called in your holy works, is beginning to sense the end of the opportunity to grow and develop in the negative polarity upon this planetary sphere. The time period that such possibilities may yet remain is unknown for many reasons. The most salient reason being the volatility of this population of entities that is between the two polarities, having chosen neither polarity. This grouping of entities has a great deal of confusion and is subject to manipulation by the negatively oriented entities so that there may be further negative reflections of experience for the social complexes of your planetary sphere. There is much confusion at this time, and this confusion has a certain kind of life span, shall we say, that can be extended by the negatively oriented entities. However, as we mentioned previously, the time period for the negatively oriented entities is drawing to a close.
For the second idea:
Quote:https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/i..._0902.aspx Q'uo wrote:
Let us speak to some extent about this question of how fourth density comes to planet Earth. It is difficult to imagine something that one has never seen. The closest we can come to explaining fourth-density Earth versus third-density Earth to you is that each density is an illusion. These illusions are nested within the energy field of your planet. Therefore, the second-density Earth is visible to you, as is the first-density Earth, because it would not disturb you to see such as those densities. And, of course, you see your own density.
It would be very dislocating, my brother, for entities of third density to see the full panoply of fourth density as it intersperses with your own. Therefore, there shall not be the manifestation of fourth density until the third-density population of your planet has finished its work here.
It is very difficult for entities to imagine how such a large population, all across your globe, could just shrink and disappear. And yet we say to you that entities moving into incarnation here will more and more be those which are dual-activated until finally, within say one of your centuries by most probability/possibility vortices, you will have no pure third-density entities living upon your planet.
Those with dual-activated bodies are far more able to see whether or not there is the necessity for further incarnations upon this planet. They will begin naturally to refrain from producing children. And so, by a fairly rapid progression after that point, the third-density population of the planet will indeed shrink in a natural and organic way, because there is the awareness that the dusk has come, the evening is at hand, and the work is done.
Gary: Thank you so much, Q’uo, for your replies through both instruments.
We learn from 63.13-14, a couple of things:So the question is: Because the yellow-ray body is incompatible with the green-ray environment, does the final, full activation of the green-ray environment in space/time wait for the final yellow-ray body to move through what we call death?
- Third- and fourth-density electrical fields are incompatible. In other words, third-density entities cannot be fully aware of fourth density.
- All third-density bodies will go through what we call physical death before fourth density becomes fully activated in space/time. That second point may involve some interpretation.
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. This is, in general, a correct assumption. For even if the entire planetary population made that one fine, strong choice for positive polarity, there would at that time be the necessity for the dropping of the physical vehicle of third-density: the yellow-ray body. At that time, there would be the ascension of the indigo-ray body, the form-maker body, into the realms of light, and this time would be that in which the steps of light, or the strength of light, would gauge the ability of the entity to withstand the impact of the light in an harvestable degree. This, having been determined primarily by the choice of the entity to pursue positive polarity with every fiber of its being, shall we say, the moving into the light being the confirmation of this choice. That is the situation which would pertain in the possible choice of positive polarity by the entire population of your planet.
If the choices are more gradual, the same basic situation would also obtain, in that the entities would move through the death process in a manner which would exemplify the normal death process. The entity—not being consciously aware of its harvestability due to the group choice towards positive polarity—would then move into the form-maker body upon its yellow-ray body’s death, and again, move into the light which would gauge the harvestability of the entity, according to the energy centers’ ability to stand the impact of the love and light.
Is there a further query, my brother?
Gary: Yes, thank you. I actually do have a follow-up, very much connected to that one. I’m very appreciative of your replies.
So, you did indicate that fourth density couldn’t, what I would call, fully manifest in space/time while there were third-density bodies present. At that point [of the death of the final third-density body] will those remaining physically here on planet Earth be in dual-activated bodies, just barely grasping the potential of fourth density? Or, will that point be the signal for the end of the dual-activated bodies, and the beginning of the full activation of green-ray bodies?
Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother.
Again, this is a difficult situation in which to give a yes or no answer that would be accurate, for there will be both types of entities upon the planetary surface when the final choice, shall we say, is made by all entities, to move either in service to others, or service to self. This is to say, there should be those third/fourth-density entities with the dual-activated bodies that will be able to make the graduation, since that has already been affirmed for these entities upon another planetary sphere. The entities with the third-density body, yellow-ray activated only, will, at that time, need to move through the process of moving into the light, to determine the harvestability. Thus, at some point, there will be, as you say, only the fourth-density entities upon the planet, however, the amount of time, as you would measure it, that this process will take, is not, at this time, known.