11-30-2020, 04:42 AM
(11-29-2020, 05:05 PM)flofrog Wrote: I sometimes feel we could do with less or 'nicer' sociopaths,but if we take a step back, we can see some offer a huge catalyst for perhaps polarizing positive when you start to oppose their negative actions..
It reminds me a bit of the Buddhist adage, " your enemy is your teacher "...
Couldn't agree more.. everyone (and everything) does have something to teach.
Taking LOTR as example, the role of Sauron helped Frodo (and Tolkien as it's higher self) to learn and recognize courage.
As through facing fear one will learn courage.
And through Sauron, Tolkien can learn and recognize so many more things.. more than he can learn from the positive avatars. Pride, Hatred, Anger, Pain, Fear.. plus it's opposite emotions...
Through experiencing the NOT one can recognize the IS.
As for Sauron, one day he will arrived at a realization that he is not separated from others, that he is not only Sauron but also Tolkien, his own higher self (note: merging with his own higher self). And through gaining access to Tolkien's bank of data / information Sauron will also realize that he is also Frodo, Gandalf, Legolas and others.. and he can experience all of the experiences that has been gathered 'collectively' by Tolkien's collection of avatars.
And the process repeat in similar manner with Tolkien and Tolkien's higher self, thus Sauron's higher higher self. The one who wrote LOTR and those who read the LOTR is also the same person.
"You will eventually arrived at a conclusion that there is actually only one person in the room, that's why what you do to others you are actually doing it to your own self".
-- Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations With God