11-24-2020, 07:02 PM
I've straight up given homeless people drugs plenty of times before. Marijuana, if that counts. Honestly I've had people get more excited to get a bud or a joint, or hot food, than cash. I give cash most often as I'm more likely to be driving around with it but a small amount of marijuana has always brought the warmest and most gracious/excited smiles.
It's important to realize that most street drugs are just stronger forms of pharmaceuticals. Most of the time these people are self medicating either psychological or physical injuries and don't have access to real doctors. Alcohol is the most available "medication" but it also has terrible side effects. I feel like giving someone weed will give them at least an evening where they might not have to drink as much to get rid of their pain.
It's important to realize that most street drugs are just stronger forms of pharmaceuticals. Most of the time these people are self medicating either psychological or physical injuries and don't have access to real doctors. Alcohol is the most available "medication" but it also has terrible side effects. I feel like giving someone weed will give them at least an evening where they might not have to drink as much to get rid of their pain.