11-17-2020, 08:34 PM
The way I read it--for what that may be worth--the 4D critter's relational love not only feels like failure, it does fail the purity test in that circumstance; whereas the 6D (love contoured by wisdom) approach succeeds. In my view, Ra was recommending that the 3D creatures employ the 6D approach, therefore there would be no loss of polarity. Naturally, it would be relatively easy for "the little group" to act this way since it was not enjoying a purposely contentious relationship with other, the way the 4D warrior would be.
I might add that this approach in practice is rich in possibilities for self-deception: it's very easy to believe that one is objectively (or independent of the specific relationship) flowing with acceptance and love for the other, when actually one is suffering as a gnarly pin cushion filled with obstructive blockages.
Squiggling back to the first point now, what is it exactly that causes the depolarization? Why is the inability to accept the other such a big deal?