(11-12-2020, 09:16 PM)J.W. Wrote: Dtris, right.. "detachment from any outcome."I believe their regret had more to do with infringement and their alien technology making others believe them to be gods, there by creating a power distortion in egypt.
Anything that brings "power" to an individual will create an outcome. To be negligence of this fact is the same as when Ra decided to "help" the Egyptian back then, now regret doing so and trying their best to take responsibility for the "help" they gave mankind back then.
I am not sure that relates to offering aid when requested by an other self.
(11-12-2020, 09:16 PM)J.W. Wrote: Ask the person what they need, and if it is food or clothing, go buy it for them, don't be lazy. If you are going to help, help all the way.I am not sure it is ever a one size fits all type of thing. For instance in my city the panhandlers stand at street lights on center medians of busy intersections. Generally that means a driver is on their way somewhere and has only a few seconds to respond or not.
Someone once told me, "handing out money is a charitable act of a lazy person."
But hey, to each their own, if it makes you feel like a "kind and generous" person, by all means.
I would personally doubt seriously many give so they can ''think themselves kind and generous".
For me for instance it has brought up many of my own personal blockages that need facing.
* the man who from a distance had a sign that read missing fingers and as I approached he was missing an entire hand and had 3 fingers on the other hand. I only saw the reality of his difficult situation as the light changed and he tried and thankfully succeeded in firmly but with difficulty grabbing the bills and I had to make my left turn. I thought about him for months and never saw him again, wishing I had taken more out of my wallet.
*the fellow who I gave money to for months till one day he tried to manipulate me at a red light into letting him move in with me.
When I talked with him further about UBI I discovered he made more than I do with his panhandling, and my life is in danger on a daily basis while I work. I am still shaking my head on that one. He is homeless because he unfortunately has no money management skills, potentially some unaddressed mental illness as he got rather offended when I mentioned we made the similar monthly but I share expenses and suggested a room mate might be a solution to his homelessness. It taught me money alone isn't really the answer, it's a much bigger issue. And I felt so stupid and overly trusting for months I actually avoided panhandlers for a while I was felt I couldn't trust my discernment. Catalyst.
*the young functional looking young woman mentioned above that I gave less than I normally do to because of her healthy minus the meth teeth appearance. I honestly had a running dialogue facing my inner shadow as I went from "well she looks healthy, she could work, to ah her teeth, she could still work, to me experiencing another part of myself step in and firmly say If she is traumatized enough to be doing meth, she is traumatized and needs love not further scrutiny and traumatization I had to process shame at that shadow that instead wanted to judge.
Instead of feel good experience - giving for me is facing catalyst. One part of me feels if I were truly expressing god at the deepest I know GOD I would take them in to live with me and care for them. We are one after all.
The wiser part realizes I would not be functional to work myself, and couldn't house any of us if I did that as I am still quite sensitive to other people experiencing volatile unsettled emotions. So I inner cringe when I come across a new panhandler person, wondering what the experience is going to expose within me.
On the other side there has been great gifts of their or the universes service.
2 come to mind
1 there is this man obviously drunk with spirit, like he ooozes love, ooozes it as I don't even have a red light to stop and stick money out the window. The love still hits as I drive by. He is in service to others just radiating gods love. I don't know how people don't just circle there over and over. He couldn't work. Like the guru on the mountain he is not really virbrating in 3D just grounding light here.
2. It was an unbearably hot day, deadly, disgusting, I work outside and had heat stroke so was picking up something to settle my stomach between stops. The place I wanted to go was closed so I detoured to a healthy drive through nearby. As I was driving in a fellow in the median to the parking area with a sign. Drenched in sweat, no shade, clearly no change of clothes or electrolytes.
I went through the drive through, ordered 2 meals, one for him, and while I waited I started packing up a bag of what I could spare, water electrolyte packages, protein bars. I cant remember but I evidently was at it a while so here is the gift. The act of GOD.
As I pulled up to the window they apologized for taking so long,(5 minutes max) handed me my meals, and gave two separate vouchers for a free meal. Not buy one, get one, Two separate gifts of free meals. I gave one. The universe gave him 2 more meals he could put in his pocket for later. That experience broke my heart.
I have been going to that place for 30 years, waited A LOT never saw a voucher before or since. Those were gifts of a hug from the universe for me, and packable healthy food for an other self provided directly by god.
It's a mixed bag some blessings some presenting catalyst. We learn and refine ourselves in relation to one another and this is a potent opportunity for catalyst for me.
My experience anyways.
Diana is obviously WAY ahead of me on this. I am slogging my way through it though. I come from poverty so it's possible that is why it hurts me so much to see. I am not detached but I do my best to face what is presented.