I give money to the homeless all the time as well. I have no concern whether it is polarizing either way. I do it because I can. I don't care at all what they spend it on. If I give the money, it is s gift, and once it's left my hands and put into someone else's, it is theirs to do with as they wish. I have no judgments about that.
Even if that person I just gave money to goes into the closest Circle K and buys a bottle of whiskey, or buys a hit of speed, or whatever, I have no idea of that person's situation. For all I know that drink or that hit might be what that person needs just to get through the night. It isn't mine to control.
For my part, I see a person in need. I help that person with a little money. That's all. I see why this is a question because of the idea of enabling. But the way to remove the "enabling" part is to not be attached to outcome, which is why I give money without wanting to control what is done with it.
Even if that person I just gave money to goes into the closest Circle K and buys a bottle of whiskey, or buys a hit of speed, or whatever, I have no idea of that person's situation. For all I know that drink or that hit might be what that person needs just to get through the night. It isn't mine to control.
For my part, I see a person in need. I help that person with a little money. That's all. I see why this is a question because of the idea of enabling. But the way to remove the "enabling" part is to not be attached to outcome, which is why I give money without wanting to control what is done with it.