11-01-2020, 04:21 AM
(10-31-2020, 11:22 AM)houtje Wrote: if all being involved, willingly accept their position, rooted in strong STO polarisation... you can't really call the hierarchy a hierarchy, right?
A hierarchy, in human terms, we view power increasing as you go towards the top. But this is a STS distortion.
Because there is no true difference in power. Because the choice of the beings at the bottom, directly impacts the beings above and vice versa. Notice that Ra felt responsible for aiding in the great Egyptian distortion. From that experience, Ra learned that it has to be more careful in exercising its power over lower beings. Because even though Ra's intent was most likely very much polarised towards STO, it still created an opportunity to backfire. And this backfiring caused a form of guilt or responsibility within Ra because it is Ra's choice to be STO. But its good intentions basically went against its STO aspiration/seeking.
Ra makes no distinction between what you would call humanity's failure and its own failure. Of course, Ra doesn't think in terms of failure. But it is was to make the point that Ra is a servant of humanity. And likewise we are a servant to Ra. Don't view servant as something like a slave in this context. View it as the capacity a politician should embody towards the people he servers. Remember: teach/learn, learn/teach. Ra teaches us, we learn; and as we learn, we teach Ra so that Ra can learn. We're in this together! So the distortion of hierarchy doesn't even make sense.
Is a cell in brain more important than a cell in your gut? No. If either cell gets corrupted and creates a cancer, you'll likely end up dead. Both cells are equally important. They have different functions, but if either one goes corrupt, the whole body is FUXXED.
Anyone who understands the Law of One can see that the highest of beings is no more than the smallest grain of sand. They are one and the same.
houjte, I really appreciate this input.
You really shine a light on the ignorance and the inability to understand this basic concept of STO from many seekers, wanderers etc. etc.
Those who see hierarchy as a necessity and minimizing the importance of unity completely misses the point of the "primary function" of the "wheel."
It's not the "motion" or even the "wheel" itself that plays the important role, but the "function" of it is the "key."
Also the darkest hours before dawn is upon this planetary sphere, many don't see the "light" at the end of the tunnel right now, but it's there.
As the "pendulum" will swing back the other way, the only difference this time is that it will not continue to swing after this last time.
As this planet is going towards 4th Positive.
With much love and light houjte, stay positive and safe.