10-31-2020, 03:07 AM
Thanks for doing this, I will did through all of these links.

(10-27-2020, 11:17 AM)Minyatur Wrote: Love in 3D often relates to the notion of attachment and usually forms through bonding (pet, friends, etc) or our natural instincts (mate, child, family, etc). Love in higher density on the contrary has more a quality of being universal and all-encompassing. That is why to advance on the STO path requires acceptance of catalyst, because it is through reaching a degree of accepting all ways of being that one is able to not block the flow to one's heart to a degree that one can remain seated there. So human love is more conditional, in relation to what it brings you, how it resonates with you and how it relates to you, while in higher density it really recognizes the Creator within each thing. So I do think higher density beings understand how we experience love, just that they know love more deeply than how we experience it also. I guess it is upon 4D harvest into 5D that one has really learned love. Even then, in 6D one has to balance love and wisdom with one another so it might not be complete.
In regards to Carla, I would assume that there is a recognition of free will as paramount on Ra's side and an acceptance of it. It is my experience that a high vibration of love is not without compassion in face of suffering, just great in acceptance, to them the suffering of another is much like their own suffering so they are still processing it at the degree they are able to balance their own suffering.
There's this thread that contains a lot of quotes on the subject of love. I think it really boils down to that completion of 4D allows one to be in sync with the second distortion (love) of our Creation. It has a core role within the manifestation of the entire Cosmos as a creative principle and transcends far beyond the human experience.
There is this one that seem to say the same thing you said in regards to emotions:
Hatonn Wrote:My friends, it is not easy to come to an understanding of what love is, for among your peoples love is already named by so many lesser emotions and states of mind—and none of these is love. Do not become lost in emotion, for love is not emotion, and emotional service is often a “human” service, and not the service of love.
Some other I find interesting on the subject:
Quo Wrote:The vibration of love is the vibration upon which the planets turn in their courses, the suns rotate in the galaxies ever so slowly to your eyes [as they] climb the heavens. You are a spark of that one original Thought. Advancement in any density can be measured by how near the vibration of your consciousness matches the vibration of the one infinite Creator.
The key to this work is this: the consciousness that you share with all others who are self-aware is one. It is the consciousness of the Creator. It is the consciousness of complete and unconditional love. It is not love as known to the poets who speak of romance. It is not the love of brother for brother. It is not the love that is sentimentalized in valentines tied up with ribbons, gifted with pretty gems. This is a love that creates and destroys.
Latwii Wrote:Love, my friends, is not what you think it is. The word in your language has a meaning that has various interpretations. But it is none of these things. We use the word when we speak to you, because it is as close as we can come to the concept, using your language. Love, my friends, is that force which does all of the things that are done in the entire creation. All of the things, my friends, even those that you would interpret as being without love.
Back to the Ra material, I think a core message included in the material that is a bit hard to swallow but might explain a bit more the view of where they stand:
Quote:26.36 Questioner: Then I am assuming all of the UFO groups who were getting telepathic contact from the Confederation were, shall we say, high-priority targets for the Orion crusaders, and I would assume that a large percentage of them were, shall we say, had their information polluted then. Can you tell me, do you have any idea what percentage of these groups were heavily polluted by the Orion information and if any of them were able to remain purely a Confederation channel?
Ra: I am Ra. To give you this information would be to infringe upon the free will or confusion of some living. We can only ask each group to consider the relative effect of philosophy and your so-called specific information. It is not the specificity of the information which attracts negative influences. It is the importance placed upon it.
This is why we iterate quite often, when asked for specific information, that it pales to insignificance, just as the grass withers and dies while the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator redounds to the very infinite realms of creation forever and ever, creating and creating itself in perpetuity.
Why then be concerned with the grass that blooms, withers and dies in its season only to grow once again due to the infinite love and light of the One Creator? This is the message we bring. Each entity is only superficially that which blooms and dies. In the deeper sense there is no end to beingness.