(10-18-2020, 12:05 PM)flow Wrote: yep but we all know from Ra material that Moses has been 'hijacked' by sts entities and 10 commandments of Old Testament represent negative polarity, as probably judaism in general with their beliefs if jews as superior chosen-ones and the rest of humanity being goyim. lots of material from old testament is downright negative, justifying killings, submission, genocide etc. so if kabbalah is a mystic core of judaism it's not unlikely that it may be sts teaching for negative adepts. of course, i'm not making any claims here, just sharing my line if thoughts.
either way, do Q'uo refer to Kabbalah in the quote?
It’s not that Moses was hijacked but that as with all adepts they are open to having their own blockages detune them enough to recieve not only the offered STO but also the offered STS.
Just like the bible there is both STS and STO offered. That can be said of most if not all spiritual traditions. Ra contact was unique in its clarity that tuning was of most importance.
As to the “I AM “ I never bothered with that much but just today experienced it for myself. It is not an identity but rather the point of nonidentity. Finite is identity, infinity/nonidentity is the creator.