02-01-2011, 03:43 PM
(02-01-2011, 03:07 AM)peregrine Wrote: I don't know what Ra or Q'uo have to say about this, but for me long accumulated baggage comes in different categories. Some is still lesson-laden, still hard to digest, and some is just there because it was never disposed of. So, answer #1 is that some of it, yes, needs conscious acceptance and so forth while other stuff can simply be cut away because it's already been processed unconsciously. For those who've been in this game for a long time and have a heavy accumulation, the latter approach can feel quite nice...for awhile...until the next catalyst comes down the pike.
The second answer is: not to worry! As you pointed out above, these things spiral around. Often one layer gets sliced away only to reveal a variant form, perhaps more encompassing. If you missed a chance to love the catalyst the previous time, just keep your eyes open for the next opportunity coming to a theatre near you, as it were.
...but you knew all that...
Thanks for clarifying! I also don't know much of what Ra and Quo have to say about it (although one reason I'm here is that I found a lot of support for my way of dealing with it, in this material, and also new ideas). I go with whatever works, and yep, you're right; I knew all of that... I also have developed ways of sweeping out the last corners, when needed, since stuff does tend to stick even to the cell walls, seemingly. I think premature slicing, and waiting for the re-runs, can be quite helpful f ex if there's physical illness to deal with.
(02-01-2011, 03:07 AM)peregrine Wrote: One additional thought: Sometimes it feels good to carry a big burden of ancient dissonance, not because it's healthy, but because it gives a sense of identity (burden bearer) or because it feels familiar or because one can learn to project the dissonance and feel a sense of power from that, etc. Once I became aware of such like in myself, it took me some years to release myself from that fondness for heaviness.
Interesting observation. I have certainly seen that in some habitual victims (see how I've suffered - DON'T step on that toe, just hand me the chocolate!). Ok, I'm off to have an honest look at myself. Hmmm. Maybe I'll play some scales first.