10-09-2020, 12:02 PM
Thank you, Aion, for injecting this massive shot of seeking and sharing your thoughts on the material.
I am inspired to follow along with your revisiting.
Here are some of my favorite parts of the "Introduction"
I find so much wisdom in this paragraph. Carla's "gullibility" attitude reminded me that, when possible, this is the best attitude to have towards all interactions and things within this third density illusion.
This paragraph from Don help me realize that humility is the key to maintain open mindedness in all things.
This is almost like talking about magical working in the third density with modern scientific language.
Magical working in the third density in Carla's words. It's just so beautifully put.
I just love this whole paragraph. It almost reads like a quick summary of the central ideas of major religious philosophies.
This is probably my favorite quote of the "Introduction". It highlights the importance of the desire to seek and the faith that one need to have in one self's choice to seek. To me, this is the very definition of Faith.
Everything Jim wrote in the introduction showed the harmony within the group during the contact. I was so soothing to me reading his description of the intricate process and the effort they put for the contact. It was a very nice insight to the working required.
I am inspired to follow along with your revisiting.
Here are some of my favorite parts of the "Introduction"
Carla Wrote:This gullibility is a vital factor in obtaining good results in paranormal research. A desire for proof will inevitably lead to null results and voided experiments. An open mind, one willing to be gullible, leads its possessor to a kind of subjective and personal certainty which does not equal proof as it cannot be systematically reproduced in others. However, this subjective knowing is a central part of the spiritual evolution to which Ra speaks so compellingly in this volume and which we have researched for many years now.
I find so much wisdom in this paragraph. Carla's "gullibility" attitude reminded me that, when possible, this is the best attitude to have towards all interactions and things within this third density illusion.
Don Wrote:In other words, our forest of scientific knowledge and explanations is made up of trees about which we understand nothing except their effect, their existence. To a person unfamiliar with the inner workings of modern science, it may seem that modern man has his environment nicely under control and totally figured out. Nothing could be further from the truth. The leaders of science who are researching the frontiers of modern theory argue among themselves continually. As soon as a theory begins to receive wide acceptance as being a valid representation of physical laws, someone finds a discrepancy, and the theory has to be either modified or abandoned entirely.
This paragraph from Don help me realize that humility is the key to maintain open mindedness in all things.
Don Wrote:Although the people who had received these communications knew nothing of the problems of modern physics, they were getting information which apparently was quite central to physical theory: first, they suggested that the problem with our science was that it did not recognize enough dimensions. Second, they stated that light does not move; light is. Larson’s theory posits six dimensions instead of the customary four, and finds the pure field, which Einstein believed would represent matter, to move outward from all points in space at unit velocity, or the velocity of light. Photons are created due to a vibratory displacement in space-time, the fabric of the field. Furthermore, the contactees were saying that consciousness creates vibration, this vibration being light. The vibratory displacements of space-time in Larson’s theory are the first physical manifestation, which is the photon or light. According to the UFO contactees, the UFOs lower their vibrations in order to enter our skies. The entire physical universe postulated by Larson is dependent on the rate of vibration and quantized rotations of the pure field of space-time.
This is almost like talking about magical working in the third density with modern scientific language.
Carla Wrote:Magic is, of course, a much misused term and is mostly understood as being the art of prestidigitation, or illusion. When one sees a magician, one accepts the fact that one is seeing very skillfully performed illusions.
However, there is a study of the so-called magical personality which suggests that there is a thread which runs through our daily lives which we can grasp; and, using that thread, remove ourselves from time to time into a framework of reference points in which we see reality as being that of the spiritual body, that personality which exists from incarnation to incarnation and indeed “since before the world was.” By working upon this magical personality, by interiorizing experience, by accepting responsibility for all that occurs, by carefully analyzing our reactions to all that occurs, and by eventually coming to balance our reactions to all that occurs so that our actions in our environment are generated within the self and are no longer simple reactions to outward stimulus, we strengthen the so-called magical personality until we are able to have some small claim to “the art of causing changes in consciousness at will.” This is the classic definition of magic. Each time that a person sustains an unfortunate situation and reacts to it by not giving anger for anger or sadness for sadness but instead offering compassion and comfort where none was expected, we strengthen that thread of inner strength within us and we become more and more associated with a life that is closely related to the organic evolution of the universe.
Magical working in the third density in Carla's words. It's just so beautifully put.
Carla quoting Hatonn Wrote:Keep uppermost in your mind that the illusion that you experience is an illusion, that it is surrounding you for the purpose of teaching you. It can only teach you if you become aware of its teachings. It is said that “He worked His wonders in mysterious ways.” This way may seem mysterious; however, it is the way of spiritual evolvement. There are many souls experiencing the illusion in which you find yourself; however, there are few using this illusion to grow. They are not doing this other than at a subliminal level because they have not availed themselves through their seeking to a knowledge of the possibility of doing this.
Once an individual has become aware of the possibility of using the illusion in which he finds himself in your physical world for the progression of spiritual growth, it is necessary that he take the next step and use his knowledge to express, regardless of the potentials which affect him, the love and understanding of his Creator.
I just love this whole paragraph. It almost reads like a quick summary of the central ideas of major religious philosophies.
Carla quoting Hatonn Wrote:It must be realized from within. It cannot be impressed from without. We are attempting to stimulate those of your peoples who would be stimulated to seeking this truth that is within them. We have been required by our understanding of our Creator’s principle to remain in hiding, for we cannot serve one individual and at the same time do a disservice to his neighbor by proving within his own mind that we exist, for many of those of planet Earth at this time do not desire to believe in or have proof of our existence. For this reason we find it necessary to speak to those who seek through channels such as this one. We find it necessary to give to those who seek that which they seek in such a way that they, for themselves, may appraise its value and accept or reject, on their own terms, those thoughts that we bring, and understand the reality of the creation in which all of us exist.
This is probably my favorite quote of the "Introduction". It highlights the importance of the desire to seek and the faith that one need to have in one self's choice to seek. To me, this is the very definition of Faith.
Jim Wrote:Skipped for avoiding crowding up already crowded post
Everything Jim wrote in the introduction showed the harmony within the group during the contact. I was so soothing to me reading his description of the intricate process and the effort they put for the contact. It was a very nice insight to the working required.