10-09-2020, 09:29 AM
Life is the testing ground, so we balance our energy centers by acting and being and doing.
We will always have an idea of what’s optimal, but it can hold us back if we withhold from being/doing so that we can be perfect or optimal. Do you understand what I’m saying?? It’s like a cycle that repeats. We don’t feel good enough so we wait until we are good enough and it never comes to be because we are not doing.
Look to Key 11–Justice. Equilibration is the goal and it’s effected by doing. The kundalini is active at this stage. The Hebrew letter Lamed is assigned to this card ל. It represents the serpent-force uncoiled and active.
Maybe Paul Foster Case can explain:
We will always have an idea of what’s optimal, but it can hold us back if we withhold from being/doing so that we can be perfect or optimal. Do you understand what I’m saying?? It’s like a cycle that repeats. We don’t feel good enough so we wait until we are good enough and it never comes to be because we are not doing.
Look to Key 11–Justice. Equilibration is the goal and it’s effected by doing. The kundalini is active at this stage. The Hebrew letter Lamed is assigned to this card ל. It represents the serpent-force uncoiled and active.
Maybe Paul Foster Case can explain:
Quote:The general meaning of Key 11 is that education (ox-goad) has equilibration for its aim. It requires, therefore, the elimination of of useless, outworn forms (sword, and attribution of Libra to the kidneys). Education is completed by action and work. Merely hearing the word, or reading it, is not true education. Action is required, and action is motivated by the subconscious response to self-conscious observations and concentration.
Psychologically, this picture illustrates the law of poise and self-direction. A balanced personality is faithful, constant and confident, because right use of reason has established editing certainty as to the just outcome of all activities. For a practical occultist this card signifies: (1) You really only know when you have acted; (2) Equilibration, mental and physical, demands the elimination of waste, the getting rid of “excess baggage.”