Typing on phone. Aso makes good points. I challenge contacts, channels, plus humans. So a discussion of how to verify certain info is very useful, esp for my spy side. Intel analtsis, tactics, counters.
It is true false flags happen in that humans are attacked by demons so those humans can be farmed for fear by more demons.
But would demons falsely attack roman priests for child trafficking? Blood drinking? Adrenochrome harvesting?
If they did that, those innocent will be found innocent but this will enter the public s consciousness. Manifestation loses the power to veil what people look for. Hollywood manifestation controls. Wands.
Mostly it is seen in disinfo ops. You are a shill. No, you are a shill. You r controlled opposition. No, you are. Red v blue. Man vs woman. Blm vs all lives matter. Divide conquer.
But i like to say this. Satan has root hack access to human minds. Even adepts and channels. That means anyone or everhone is a satan spy or agent smith potentially. Now that is paranoia but also true.
As for truth, the unity truth is not available at 3rd density. So confusion and distortion is present.
Each density has a frequency veil. What is true for sixth, not for 4th. Law of One is non duality but we live in duality. Contradiction? Law of One violates identity principle. A is a. A cannot be b and a and c and d at same time. Law of One says no.
It is true false flags happen in that humans are attacked by demons so those humans can be farmed for fear by more demons.
But would demons falsely attack roman priests for child trafficking? Blood drinking? Adrenochrome harvesting?
If they did that, those innocent will be found innocent but this will enter the public s consciousness. Manifestation loses the power to veil what people look for. Hollywood manifestation controls. Wands.
Mostly it is seen in disinfo ops. You are a shill. No, you are a shill. You r controlled opposition. No, you are. Red v blue. Man vs woman. Blm vs all lives matter. Divide conquer.
But i like to say this. Satan has root hack access to human minds. Even adepts and channels. That means anyone or everhone is a satan spy or agent smith potentially. Now that is paranoia but also true.
As for truth, the unity truth is not available at 3rd density. So confusion and distortion is present.
Each density has a frequency veil. What is true for sixth, not for 4th. Law of One is non duality but we live in duality. Contradiction? Law of One violates identity principle. A is a. A cannot be b and a and c and d at same time. Law of One says no.